


Table below summarises the relationship between the Borough Strategy, Core Strategy and wider Local Development Framework.

Table 9: Relationship between the Borough Strategy and the Core Strategy

Relevant Borough Strategy Challenges How the Challenges can be addressed by the LDF Core Strategy Objective
Theme 1: Creating a strong, connected and inclusive economy

1) To use economic engagement to achieve widespread economic, social and environmental regeneration for all sectors of all our communities, and to allow Doncaster's economy to realise its potential

2) To be a pro-business borough where we will welcome and support investment which; stimulates employment opportunities; develops a diverse economy including innovative new sectors such as Green Industries and high tech and manufacturing industries; and; helps tackle deprivation through job creation and training in all our communities to support a healthy local economy

3) To increase and maximise the role played by our excellent road, rail and canal links and future transport developments, our towns, villages and neighbourhoods and international airport to stimulate business growth particularly in the education, digital, communications and logistics sectors

  • Sustainable long-term economic growth with all residents engaged
  • Maximise our distinctive strengths to build a diverse, resilient and sustainable economy that creates employment opportunities for people of all abilities
  • Improve educational standards and skills
  • Ensure local services provide value for money
  • Ensure that Doncaster is recognised as a place where people want to live, invest and do business
  • Puts economic engagement at the centre, to drive Doncaster's transformation into a successful large town
  • Supports the development of major town centre regeneration sites e.g. Waterfront and Civic and Cultural Quarter. Also provides policies for measuring trends and outcomes through the annual Town Centre Health Check
  • Outlines where and how critical pieces of transport infrastructure will be delivered, to enable the people of Doncaster to have more choice in their travel
  • Supports FARRRS link road to improve access to airport and maximise economic benefits
Theme 3: Increasing and improving housing 4) To increase the provision of housing throughout the borough, particularly in areas with access to existing services.
  • Raise the standard of living and ensure that everyone has the same life chances, including access to quality skills, jobs, housing, education, health, leisure and local transport
  • Overall policy framework (including housing) target to deliver an appropriate level of housing growth for each settlement within borough (including supporting infrastructure)
  • Includes flexible policies on affordable housing (supported by viability testing etc)
Theme 2: Developing stronger communities

5) To ensure that all our residents, visitors and workers have the very best life opportunities, benefiting from easy access to high quality health, education, shopping, recreation facilities, heritage, culture and tourism

6) To locate most new homes, jobs and services in our existing towns to support job creation and improvements and facilities

7) To ensure that all our towns and villages are safe, clean and are well-connected; to make it possible for everyone to move easily around and across the borough and to and from our neighbouring towns and cities by a range of affordable and accessible transport options

  • Equip individuals with the confidence and skills to improve their own quality of life
  • Includes policies to improve quality of life and ensuring that development and services are located to support our existing communities
Theme 4: Protecting and improving all our children's lives
  • Create a family supportive environment that protects its children, inspires and equips them to achieve their potential
  • Encourage and support young people's aspirations
  • Includes policies to improve access to open space and safe attractive environments
  • Includes policy content on education and will ensure that the Infrastructure Delivery Plan includes educational requirements
Theme 5: Improving health and support for independent lives
  • Make health care accessible to all, supporting people to stay healthy and become healthier, and to meet the needs of an ageing population
  • Supports the development of new care facilities and contains policies to improve access to greenspace - to help people live healthier lives
Theme 6: Tackling crime and anti-social behaviour
  • Make Doncaster a safer place by reducing overall crime levels as well as anti-social behaviour incidents
  • The design policies emphasise designing out crime. Wider policy aims to improve prosperity will reduce deprivation; one of the major causes of crime
Theme 7: Creating a cleaner and better environment

8) To ensure that all our towns, villages and countryside are of the highest quality (displaying excellence in architecture) with the built and natural environment conserved for the enjoyment of all; including identifying the towns and villages we want to conserve and protect by restricting growth

9) To ensure that new development for homes and jobs makes the most of existing buildings, of land that has been used before and maximises opportunities for regeneration, to minimise the loss of agricultural land, Green Belt and avoiding areas vulnerable to flooding where possible

10) To increase the efficient use of natural resources – particularly energy, water, waste and minerals – to address environmental issues, including climate change and create sustainable job opportunities in green industries

  • Develop our town centres, improve local communities and protect the surrounding countryside, ensuring they are clean, attractive, safe and accessible to all
  • Contains detail on ensuring an attractive built and natural environment, including valuing our historic and natural environments, ensuring efficient use of resources, protecting the countryside (including Green Belt and Countryside Protection Policy Area) and high quality design. Further detail and site allocations to be provided as part of the Proposals Map



The table below highlights the main points of the Yorkshire and Humber Regional Spatial Strategy (2008) which have informed the approach set out in the Core Strategy.

Table 10: Key Aspects of Regional Policy

Core Strategy Policy Relevant Aspects of the Yorkshire and Humber Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS)
Growth and Regeneration Strategy (Policy CS2)

In Regional Spatial Strategy terminology the Settlement Hierarchy is as follows:

Sub Regional Town: Doncaster Main Urban Area (named in RSS)

Principal Town: Thorne, Mexborough, Conisbrough, Adwick, Armthorpe, Askern (Thorne and Mexborough are specifically named in the RSS)

Local Service Centre: Rossington, Stainforth and Hatfield (inc. Dunscroft/Dunsville) (Potential Growth Town), Denaby, Edlington, Carcroft, Moorends, Tickhill, Bawtry (note: Rossington and Stainforth/Hatfield have the potential to become Principal Towns, subject to also achieving the proposed housing and jobs growth. Hence their designation within the Core Strategy as Potential Growth Towns).

Regional policy recognises that the South Yorkshire sub-regional centres (e.g. Doncaster) play an important part in driving economic growth but their ability to do this is hampered by a dispersed settlement pattern and unless this issue is resolved South Yorkshire will not be able to transform its economy and environment and address the problems of social disadvantage and exclusion. However, regional policy also recognises that a balance must be achieved between this focus and the need to provide for growth and regeneration in the main outlying towns and that there are some important opportunities for inward investment more closely associated with modern transport infrastructure than with historic settlement pattern. Regional policy sets out an urban centric growth and urban transformation strategy with top priority to be the sub regional centres followed by the Principal Towns (Thorne and Mexborough are named but others are expected to be identified). Local Service Centres should meet locally generated needs for both market and affordable housing. Robin Hood Airport is a Regionally Significant Investment Priority, and its importance to the sub-region and Doncaster's growing logistics sector is acknowledged.
The majority of housing growth (80-85%) will be directed to the Main Urban Area and Principal Towns – this also reflects the 50% minimum for sub-regional centres set by regional policy. The RSS names Thorne and Mexborough as Principal Towns, and sets criteria for LDFs to identify additional Principal Towns – which it is considered Conisbrough, Adwick, Armthorpe, Askern meet
Countryside (Policy CS3) Policy YH9 of the RSS states that (a), "The Green Belts in North, South and West Yorkshire have a valuable role in supporting urban renaissance, transformation and concentration, as well as conserving countryside, and their general extent as shown on the Key Diagram should not be changed" and (b), "Localised reviews of Green Belt boundaries may be necessary in some places to deliver the Core Approach and Sub Area policies". The Growth and Regeneration Strategy can be achieved with only minor releases of Green Belt land, and so will not impact on the general extent of Doncaster's Green Belt.
Housing Requirement, Land Supply and Phasing (Policy CS10)

National policy seeks to significantly increase the overall quantity and quality of housing, including affordable housing, and to ensure that they are built in sustainable locations. This is reflected in regional policy and the challenging regional housing requirement for Doncaster. The regional annual net housing requirement for Doncaster is 855 homes (2004-2008) and 1230 homes (2008-2026). Sufficient land is therefore required to accommodate 18450 houses (2011-2026). In light of recent evidence on likely household formation over the plan period (draft Strategic Housing Market Assessment December 2010) and past housing completion rates (both before and since the downturn in the housing market) the housing target of 1230 is likely to be ambitious. A housing land allocation to accommodate this level of housing is therefore likely to provide a considerable level of choice for the housing market. For this reason (and because of the Government's intention to revoke regional housing targets) the housing land allocation will not make an allowance for the shortfall in completions up to 2011 and the 5 year deliverable housing land requirement will be calculated using average completion rates over the plan period rather than the annual target.

  Regional policy requires that after determining the distribution of development between towns (see Policy CS2) sites for new housing should be allocated with first priority to Brownfield urban sites in that town followed by other urban sites and then urban extensions to that town. This approach is reflected in the policy.

Employment (Policy CS5), Robin Hood Airport and business Park (Policy CS6) and Providing Travel Choice (Policy CS9)

Regional policy stresses the need to develop a competitive economy with greater diversity, innovation and knowledge and to provide for excluded communities. It is recognised that airports and sub-regional towns such as Doncaster, are key drivers in the economy whilst the manufacturing sector should be supported. Priority clusters should be provided for, which in Doncaster include logistics and financial and business services. The regeneration of town centres is also supported. The sub-regional towns of Doncaster should be the focus for office, retail and leisure, whilst Principal Towns and district towns of Doncaster should be the focus for office, retail and leisure, whilst Principal Towns and district centres are the focus for local services. Previously developed land should be prioritised and any unsuitable employment land provision should be reviewed. Current employment allocations should be reviewed to allow new growth to be accommodated in appropriate locations.

The RSS identifies Robin Hood Airport as a Regionally Important Investment Priority and identifies Doncaster as having potential for logistics growth. These points are reflected in the policies. However, the jobs numbers included in the Core Strategy are based on up-to-date local evidence base, rather than those included in the RSS.

Design and Sustainable Construction (Policy CS14)

The RSS requires at least 10% of the energy from sizeable developments to comform on-site renewable energy sources. The policy therefore reflects this, but builds in flexibility to allow innovative solutions to delivering well designed, sustainable and energy efficient developments.

Renewable Energy (Policy CS19)

The RSS sets a sub-regional target for South Yorkshire of 47MW to 2010 and 160 to 2021, with an indicative Local Authority target for Doncaster of 10.6 MW by 2010. The policy reflects these targets and sets out an approach to delivering renewable energy production in a way that best reflects local circumstances.
Minerals (Policy CS20)

The sub-regional apportionments for 2011-2026 are included within the RSS – for South Yorkshire this is 13 million tonnes of sand and gravel and 53.5 million tonnes of limestone. The policy therefore sets out a realistic approach to contributing to this.



A number of the policies within the existing Unitary Development Plan (adopted 1998) are still in force. The table below indicates which of these are replaced by policies within this Core Strategy or the Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham Joint Waste Plan. The policies which are not replaced by the Core Strategy or Joint Waste Plan, will remain in force until the adoption of subsequent Development Plan Documents (including the updated Proposals Map). In some cases there is a degree of overlap between a Core Strategy and a Unitary Development Plan policy which will continue to be saved. In such cases the Core Strategy policy will take precedence.

Table 11: Replacement of Saved Unitary Development Plan Policies

Core Strategy Policy Unitary Development Plan Policy

Core Strategy Policy CS1: Quality of Life

GEN8, EMP12, ENV63, ENV65, ENV66, SRL3, SCF3 and M19
Core Strategy Policy CS2: Growth and Regeneration Strategy GEN2, GEN3, SEMP1, SEMP2, SEMP3, SEMP4, SPH1, RL21, RL22, RL23, SPU1, PU12 and SD1
Core Strategy Policy CS3: Countryside SENV1 and ENV9
Core Strategy Policy CS4: Flooding and Drainage SPU3, PU5, PU6, PU7 and PU11

Core Strategy Policy CS5: Employment Strategy

EMP4, SEMP5, EMP11, EMP13, EMP14, EMP15 and EMP16
Core Strategy Policy CS6: Robin Hood Airport and Business Park T36

Core Strategy Policy CS7: Retail and Town Centres

GEN4, SSH3, SSH4, SH6, SH7, SH8, SH12 and TC9

Core Strategy Policy CS8: Doncaster Town Centre

GEN1, TC27, TC30, TC31, TC32, TC33, TC34, TC35, TC36 and TC40

Core Strategy Policy CS9: Providing Travel Choice

ST1, ST2, ST3, ST4, ST5, ST6, ST7, T1, T2, T5, T6, T7, T13, T14, T15, T16, T20, T21, T22, T23, T25, T26, T28, T30, T31, T32, T33, T35, T37, T38, T40, T41, T42, T43, T44 and T45
Core Strategy Policy CS10: Housing requirement, land supply and phasing SPH2, SPH3 and PH8
Core Strategy Policy CS11: Housing renewal and Regeneration SPH5, PH7 and SRP1

Core Strategy Policy CS12: Housing Mix and Affordable Housing

SPH6, PH14, PH15, PH18, PH19 and PH20
Core Strategy Policy CS13: Gypsies and Travellers PH22

Core Strategy Policy CS14: Design and Sustainable Construction

EMP10, SENV6, ENV52, ENV64, SPH4 and PH13

Core Strategy Policy CS15: Valuing Our Historic Environment

SENV4, ENV27, ENV28, ENV29, ENV31, ENV33 and ENV35

Core Strategy Policy CS16: Valuing Our Natural Environment

SENV5, ENV15, ENV18, ENV42, ENV43, ENV44, ENV48, ENV49, ENV60, RL6, SM6, M33, M34 and PU13 (note: M33 and M34 are incorrectly numbered in the UDP as M29 and M30)

Core Strategy Policy CS17: Providing Green Infrastructure

ENV23, ENV70, SRL1, SRL2, RL10, RL12 and RL15
Core Strategy Policy CS18: Air, Water and Agricultural Land SENV2, SENV7, ENV16, ENV67, ENV68, ENV69, M23, PU4 and PU10
Core Strategy Policy CS19: Renewable Energy SPU2, PU3
Core Strategy Policy CS20: Minerals ENV47, T11, SM1, SM2, SM5, SM7, M8, M12, M13, M24, M36 and SWD9
Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham Joint Waste Plan SWD1, SWD3, SWD6, SWD7, WD2, WD4, WD5, WD6, WD7, WD9, WD11, WD12, WD13, WD14, WD15, WD16

Saved UDP policies which are not replaced by the Core Strategy or Joint Waste Plan. These will either be replaced by subsequent Development Plan Documents (including the Proposals Map) or, in some cases, will not be covered by the Core Strategy or separate Development Plan Documents because they are not relevant to the emerging Local Development Framework plan period.

EMP1, EMP2, EMP3, EMP5, EMP6, EMP7, EMP8, EMP9, EMP17, ENV1, ENV2, ENV3, ENV4, ENV5, ENV6, ENV7, ENV8, ENV10, ENV11, ENV12, ENV13, ENV14, ENV17, ENV20, ENV21, ENV22, ENV25, ENV26, ENV30, ENV32, ENV34, ENV36, ENV37, ENV38, ENV41, ENV53, ENV54, ENV55, ENV56, ENV57, ENV58, ENV59, PH1, PH3, PH4, PH5, PH6, PH6A, PH9, PH10, PH11, PH12, PH16, PH17, PH21, T3, T10, T17, T18, T19, T24, T27, T46, SH1, SH2 SH3, SH4, SH5, SH9, SH10, SH14, SH16, RL1, RL2, RL3, RL4, RL5, RL8, RL9, RL13, RL25, TO4, CF1, CF2, CF3, CF4, CF5, CF6, CF8, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M7, M9, M10, M11, M14, M15, M16, M17, M18, M20, M22, M25, M27, M28, M29, M31, M32, M37, PU1, PU2, PU8, PU9, PU14, TC3, TC4, TC5, TC6, TC7, TC8, TC10, TC11, TC12, TC14, TC15, TC17, TC21, TC22, TC23, TC24, TC25, TC26, TC39, TC41, TC43, RP2, RP3, RP4, RP5, RP6, RP7, RP8, RP9, RP10, IMR1 and IMR2



Table 12: Summary of the findings of the South Yorkshire Settlement Study


Baseline Position


Functional Hierarchy Potential for sustainable change Retail Hierarchy

Policy Designation

Settlement Hierarchy

Doncaster Main Urban Area   N/A N/A Sub Regional Centre Sub Regional Centre
Thorne 11387 High Order 82 Town Centre Principal Town
Mexborough 14750 High Order 81 Town Centre Principal Town
Conisbrough 11370 High to Middle Order 80 District Centre Principal Town
Adwick (inc Woodlands) 8843 High to Middle Order 79 District Centre Principal Town
Armthorpe 12630 High to Middle Order 78 District Centre Principal Town
Askern 5434 High to Middle Order 68 District Centre Principal Town
Rossington 13255 Middle to Low Order 76 Local Centres Potential Growth Towns
Stainforth and Hatfield 19205 Middle to Low Order 65 / 64 Local Centres Potential Growth Towns
Denaby 3991 Middle to Low Order 77 Local Centres Renewal Towns
Edlington 7940 High to Middle Order 73 Local Centres Renewal Towns
Carcroft/Skellow 8397 High to Middle Order 62 Local Centres Renewal Towns
Moorends 5205 Middle to Low Order 62 Local Centres Renewal Towns
Tickhill 5301 High to Middle Order 61 District Centre Conservation Towns
Bawtry 3204 High to Middle Order 59 District Centre Conservation Towns
Larger villages   Low Order 40s and 50s N/A Defined Villages
Smaller villages   N/A N/A N/A Undefined Villages



Table 13: Housing – how much, where and when?

Some of the detail about the distribution of housing will be taken as part of the Sites and Policies DPD (see table footnotes). This table sets out broad distribution and timing subject to the assumptions set out.



2011 onwards



2011 onwards

New Allocations


2016 onwards

New Allocations


2021 onwards

New Allocations

Main Urban Area Up to 6310 permissions      
Up to 1160 UDP allocations      
(but assume 580)      
  Urban allocations (greenfield    
  and brownfield) 2000+    
    Urban extensions 1210  
      Urban extensions 400


(Range 646 – 923)

Assume 780

Up to 50 permissions      
Up to 750 UDP allocations      
(but assume 375)      
110 housing renewal sites      
    Urban extensions 245  


(Range 646 – 923)

Assume 780

Up to 780 permissions      
Up to 200 UDP allocations      
(but assume 100)      
180 housing renewal sites      


(Range 646 – 923)

Assume 780

Up to 400 permissions      
      Urban extensions 380


(Range 646 – 923)

Assume 780

Up to 30 permissions      
Up to 15 UDP allocation      
    Urban extensions 400  
      Urban extensions 335


(Range 646 – 923)

Assume 780

Up to 260 permissions      
Up to 375 UDP allocations      
(but assume 185)      
  Urban or urban extension allocation    


(Range 646 – 923)

Assume 780

Up to 350 permissions      
    Urban or urban extension allocation  



Up to 50 permissions      
  < 1200 urban allocation >

Stainforth/Hatfield/ Dunscroft/Dunsville


Up to 150 permissions      
Up to 190 UDP allocations      
(but assume 95)      
180 housing renewal sites      
  < 1200 urban extensions >

Renewal Towns

(up to1660 across the 4 towns). Assume no more than commitments

Up to 500 permissions      
380 housing renewal      
Up to 470 UDP allocations      
(but assume 240)      
Growth locations sub total 8880 permissions or with capacity discounting 7880 (see footnote 3); 3160 allocations or if 50% roll forward 1580; 850 housing renewal sites      
Conservation Towns (could be additional to allocation) Up to 20 permissions      
Up to 20 UDP allocations      
Larger Villages (could be additional to allocation) Up to 1100 permissions      
Up to 120 UDP allocations      

10000 permissions (on sites of 10+ units)

3300 UDP allocations

850 housing renewal sites

Total 'commitments' 14,150

Sites of 1-9 units across the borough (additional to allocation) Up to 900 permissions      
Windfalls across the borough (additional to allocation) Up to 3000 windfalls      


  1. All figures rounded
  2. Permissions relate to sites of 10+ units capacity apart from the specified sites of 1-9 units (total capacity 900).
  3. The estimated capacity of permissions on sites of 10+ units is likely to be reduced to take account of viability and reduced density estimates. A reduction of 1000 is assumed but this will be assessed as part of the Sites and Policies DPD process and is unlikely to be evenly distributed across settlements; the reduction would need to be made up through new allocations.
  4. Decisions on which UDP allocations to roll forward will be taken as part of the Sites and Policies DPD process. For the purposes of the table above it has been assumed that half the capacity (total 3,300) will be rolled forward. The actual figure could be more or less and could vary significantly between settlements. Rolled forward allocations will not necessarily be assigned to phase 1 (where for example the deliverability assessment is that phase 2 or 3 would be more appropriate).
  5. Permissions and UDP allocations include greenfield and brownfield sites, urban and urban extension sites; these and new allocations will, particularly in the case of larger sites, deliver across more than one phase.
  6. Decisions on how much to allocate within the growth range for the Main Urban Area and the Principal Towns and the Renewal Towns will be taken as part of the Sites and Policies DPD process. For the purpose of the table above a mid-point in the range has been assumed; actual allocations could be at the lower or upper end of the range; in the case of the Renewal Towns it has been assumed (for this table) there will be no new allocations beyond existing commitments.
  7. The housing renewal figures exclude those housing renewal projects that have permission.
  8. The Potential Growth Town allocations are based on the assumption of a single site in each case and nominally assigned to phase 2 but phasing is dependent upon delivery of infrastructure and jobs and so could be eligible for release in phase 1 or phase 3.
  9. New urban extension allocations at Mexborough and Conisbrough are not ruled out but would be unnecessary based upon the assumptions used for this table.
  10. New urban allocations could be included in all settlements but opportunities (apart from those set out) are generally smaller-scale and need assessing in terms of deliverability.
  11. Phasing policy allows phase 2/3 sites to be brought forward earlier under certain specified terms.
  12. Phase 3 allocations may include post-plan period capacity.