
4. Detailed Policies


This chapter sets out the detailed policy framework for achieving sustainable waste management across the three boroughs.


  1. The following sites (as shown on the key diagram: map 1) have been safeguarded to help achieve our recycling, composting and recovery targets as well as the requirements of statutory bodies, and also ensure the delivery of our municipal waste management strategies.


Site name Type of facility Size (ha)
2.1 Grange Lane, Stairfoot (Barnsley) Waste transfer station 3.4
2.2 Wroot Road Quarry, Finningley (Doncaster) Composting 3
2.3 Brier Hills Farm, Thorne (Doncaster) Green waste composting and recycling 3
2.4 Sterecycle, Templeborough (Rotherham) Autoclave treatment and recycling 2.9
2.5 Long Sandall (Doncaster) Dredging 1.7
2.6 Eastwood, Parkgate (Rotherham) Dredging 4.8
  1. The following site has been safeguarded to ensure the delivery of Sheffield's municipal waste management strategy.
Reference Site name Type of facility Size (ha)
2.7 Rotherham Road, Beighton (Rotherham) Materials recovery facility N/A
  1. Where sites are expanded or redeveloped to improve their efficiency or accommodate new facilities, the opportunity must be taken to reduce or mitigate their impact and develop innovative solutions that move waste up the hierarchy in line with the vision and aims of the Joint Waste Plan and other policy requirements. These proposals will be assessed in the same way as they would on non-allocated sites.
  2. Non-waste management proposals will only be permitted on these sites where they can demonstrate that equivalent municipal, commercial and industrial waste capacity can be achieved elsewhere within the plan area.
view map



The purpose of this policy is to protect and safeguard these sites for waste management purposes. Essentially, this is because:


This policy seeks to safeguard existing waste capacity within the three boroughs over the plan period. In some cases, there may be scope to increase the capacity of existing licensed waste management facilities to improve their operational efficiency or accommodate new waste processes and technologies. For instance, the existing transfer station at Grange Lane (site 2.1) has capacity to accommodate new waste recycling and treatment facilities (excluding final treatment). New waste facilities on this site will need to safeguard those elements which contribute to the significance of the scheduled ancient monument at Monk Bretton Priory and other listed buildings in the area. Site location plans are attached at appendix B.


The site at Rotherham Road, Beighton (site 2.7) is located within close proximity to a high voltage overhead power line. Any proposal to extend or redevelop the existing waste recovery facility will need to consider the location and nature of this electricity transmission equipment.


Safeguarded waste management sites will be shown on each borough's proposals map. The proposals map is a separate document within each borough's Local Development Framework and will show waste management sites and other designations.


  1. The following strategic sites (as shown the key diagram: map 1) have been identified for large-scale municipal, commercial and industrial waste management facilities aimed at addressing our capacity needs over the period to 2026.
Reference Site name Size (ha)
3.1 Sandall Stones Road, Kirk Sandall (Doncaster) 2
3.2 Hatfield Power Park, Stainforth (Doncaster) 16
3.3 Bolton Road, Manvers (Rotherham) 4.8
  1. The following site has been identified as a reserve site (as shown on the key diagram: map 1) in order to provide flexibility in the event that not all of the above sites come forward within the plan period, having regard to the indicators and targets set out in the monitoring and implementation table. This site may be released for other uses once waste management facilities on the above sites have been implemented and are in operation, or when it can be demonstrated that municipal, commercial and industrial waste capacity requirements have been fully addressed before the end of the plan period.
Reference Site name Size (ha)
3.4 Aldwarke Steelworks, Parkgate (Rotherham) 5
  1. These sites have the potential to accommodate a range of technologies, including new and innovative technologies and divert a significant amount of waste from landfill. Development must be carried out in line with the mitigation requirements outlined in table 9 of the Joint Waste Plan along with other relevant policies in each borough's Local Development Framework.
  2. Facilities on these sites could also manage agricultural waste or construction, excavation and demolition waste provided they:
    1. do not prejudice or prevent the timely delivery of municipal, commercial and industrial waste facilities on these sites;
    2. have sufficient spare capacity to accept non-municipal/commercial/industrial waste; and
    3. contribute towards addressing overall waste capacity needs over the course of the plan period.
  3. Non-waste management proposals will only be permitted on these sites where they can demonstrate that additional municipal, commercial and industrial waste capacity is no longer required because it has been addressed elsewhere within the three boroughs until the end of the plan period.
view map



Based on future growth forecasts, three additional large-scale waste management facilities are needed to address the municipal, commericial and industrial waste management capacity gap (see key diagram: map 1). The allocation of a reserve site provides flexibility in the event that large-scale facilities do not come forward on these sites within the anticipated timetables (see table 9).


The sites have been selected on the basis of their performance against a range of criteria, including:


The key diagram (map 1) confirms that the sites are well located in relation to the main transport routes (e.g. motorways, primary roads, navigable waterways and freight lines) and existing built-up-areas in line with the principles set out in policy WCS1 of the Joint Waste Plan. As such, they are capable of serving the wider catchment area. These sites will be sufficient to deliver the required capacity over the plan period and support the continued regeneration of former mining communities, including the redevelopment of former colliery sites close to where waste arises16.

16 The general core strategies set out the broad locations for future development, including the pattern of future settlement growth. These waste facilities will support the delivery of these strategies.


In certain circumstances, waste facilities on these sites could also accept agricultural waste as well as construction, demolition and excavation waste as a means to encourage co-location and reduce transport costs in line with aims E and H of the Joint Waste Plan. Proposals to manage other waste streams will be assessed against the criteria set out under policies WCS4 and WCS6.

Infrastructure requirements and timescales


The strategic sites are at various stages of preparation and development. Many of these sites have firm commitments in terms of investment decisions from both the public and private sector and benefits from planning permission. It is anticipated that large-scale municipal, commercial and industrial waste facilities will come forward on these sites in line with the requirements set out overleaf.

Table 9: Infrastructure requirements and timescales


Site name

Potential processes Potential capacity Infrastructure requirements and mitigation Anticpated timescale
3.1 Sandall Stones Road, Kirk Sandall (Doncaster) Recycling and recovery 120,000 (tonnes per year) Proposals must include mitigation measures to protect the Sherwood Sandstone aquifer, control noise, dust and emissions and minimise the risk of flooding (e.g. sustainable drainage system). By 2015
3.2 Hatfield Power Park, Stainforth (Doncaster) Recycling and recovery 400,000 (tonnes per year)

The site is dependant on the construction of a new link road to M18 motorway, new flood defences, appropriate lorry routing to avoid sensitive areas and mitigation measures to protect the Sherwood Sandstone aquifer and avoid and reduce air pollution.

Planning applications for waste facilities that include energy recovery will need to demonstrate that any emissions from the site will not result in acid deposition (nitrogen and sulphur) at the Thorne Moor Special Area of Conservation.

The site has potential rail access.

3.3 Bolton Road, Manvers   265,000 (tonnes per year)

The site is dependant on the construction of a new bridge to secure access to the site, air quality and flood mitigation measures (e.g. new sustainable drainage system) and appropriate lorry routing to avoid sensitive areas.

Proposals must contribute towards the regeneration of the wider area. The site may have long term potential for freight access via rail and barge.

By 2015
3.4 Aldwarke steelworks, Parkgate Recycling, composting and recovery 250,000 (tonnes per year)

The site should provide rail and river access (via river wharf and railhead) to handle bulk waste.

Proposals must include a new sustainable urban drainage/flood alleviation scheme and minimise any impact on the significance of historic assets (including consideration of the impact upon views from the historic park and garden at Wentworth Woodhouse) through appropriate design and landscaping.

2021-2026 (if required)


Potential capacity is based on the site area required to accomodate typical throughputs of different sized facilities (from generic site requirements in "Planning for Waste Management Facilities", Office of Deputy Prime Minister, 2004).

The table gives a broad indication of the likely phasing of these sites i.e. the period in which the waste facility is expected to become operational. However, these timescales are not intended to preclude waste development from coming forward earlier or later in the plan period.



The site at Sandall Stones Road (3.1) is centrally located within an established industrial area close to existing waste facilities and major transport routes on the gateway to Doncaster town centre.


Hatfield Power Park (site 3.2) forms an integral part of a major regeneration scheme called DN7 (Hatfield Triangle). The masterplan for the wider site also includes a new clean coal and natural gas power station, a business park, coal mining activities associated with Hatfield colliery and new transport infrastructure. These proposals will involve the use of different waste technologies and processes. The site is relatively flat and is well screened from surrounding uses via a 15-metre landscape bund and development platform.


The site at Bolton Road, Manvers, in Rotherham, has been identified as the location to develop a dedicated waste facility using proven treatment technologies to deal with our left over municipal waste as part of the joint private finance initiative, in line with our recycling, recovery and landfill diversion targets (site 3.3). Some of this waste will be recycled and composted at the site. The site lies within an established employment area in the heart of the plan area within the Dearne Valley regeneration area. Future proposals at the site will need to take into account the principles of the Dearne Valley eco-vision17. As part of the waste contract, municipal waste from Barnsley will be sorted and bulked up at the existing waste transfer station at Grange Lane (site 2.1) before it is transferred to the facility at Bolton Road.

17 The eco-vision for the Dearne Valley aims to reduce carbon dioxide emissions so that within a decade it will become the lowest carbon community of its type in the UK, bringing new jobs and leading technologies to tackle climate change. The progamme will apply the principles of the government's eco-towns programme to existing communities in the Dearne Valley to provide a showcase for sustainable living across a range of issues, such as housing, transport, economic development and the environment over the next 20 to 30 years.


The Aldwarke site (3.4) is located within the existing steelworks complex on the north side of the river Don.


In addition, new waste facilities on these sites will:

Alternative uses


In respect of planning applications for alternative uses (e.g. offices, shops and housing), the applicant or developer will be required to demonstrate that the site is no longer required to address the municipal, commercial and industrial waste capacity gap in the period up to 2026. In doing this, particular regard will be given to (amongst other things):


  1. Proposals for waste development on non-allocated sites will be permitted provided they demonstrate how they:
    1. do not significantly adversely affect the character or amenity of the site or surrounding area;
    2. contribute towards the aims of sustainable waste management in line with the waste hierarchy;
    3. do not undermine the provision of waste development on strategic sites set out under policy WCS3;
    4. prioritise the reuse of vacant or underused brownfield land, where possible; and
    5. facilitate quicker and better quality reclamation, and do not prevent the timely reclamation of the site (where applicable).
  2. Subject to meeting these criteria, the types of location where waste proposals may be acceptable in principle include:
    1. existing waste transfer recycling, composting, treatment and recovery sites;
    2. designated employment and industrial areas/sites;
    3. agricultural buildings;
    4. waste water treatment and sewage works;
    5. active mineral workings (including collieries); and
    6. landfill sites.



Policy WCS4 provides a positive framework to facilitate the development of waste management facilities on sites that are not allocated in the Joint Waste Plan but which may come forward in the future.


The above policy lists the types of location where waste facilities could be accommodated. Employment areas, such as industrial estates, are well-suited to waste facilities because they usually have good links to the main transport network (including primary roads and alternative routes, such as rail and waterways) and existing built-up-areas18. Where waste processing activities take place within a sealed building and there is no external treatment or waste storage, they are similar in character to an industrial process. These proposals will be acceptable in principle within employment or industrial areas subject to meeting other policy requirements.

18 Recycling and composting waste operations are generally compatible with B2 uses (general industrial) as defined under the Town and Country Use Classes Order (see glossary for definition). It means that waste recycling proposals within existing industrial units may not always require a specific planning permission (as there might not be a change of use).


In addition, some waste facilities (e.g. temporary or small-scale recycling, energy recovery and in-vessel composting facilities) can be accommodated at existing landfill sites, operational quarries and sewage works provided they are tied to the life of existing operations or the future reclamation of the site. Opportunities may exist to treat agricultural waste on or close to the farm where it is generated, preferably where it re-uses existing holdings or redundant buildings.


Future waste proposals on non-allocated sites will be assessed against policies WCS4, 5, 6 and 7 of the Joint Waste Plan and other relevant policies within each borough's Local Development Framework, including general principles relating to layout, design, energy efficiency and sustainable construction as well as detailed requirements relating to green infrastructure, landscape, biodiversity and flood prevention.


  1. The following landfill sites (as shown on the key diagram: map 1) have been safeguarded as they have significant capacity remaining. Non-waste management proposals will only be permitted on these sites where they would not prejudice their ability to fulfil the function for which they have been identified in the table below.
Reference Site name Type of facility
5.1 Bootham Lane, Hatfield/Stainforth (Doncaster) Non-inert
5.2 Croft Farm, Bentley/Askern (Doncaster) Non-inert
5.3 Hazel Lane (Doncaster) Non-inert
5.4 Thurcroft (Rotherham) Non-inert
5.5 Carlton Brickworks (Barnsley) Inert
5.6 Holme Hall Quarry (Doncaster) Inert
5.7 Harrycroft Quarry (Rotherham) Inert
  1. Proposals to extend the life and operational efficiency (but not capacity) of the above sites will be supported in principle.
  2. Proposals for additional landfill (including extensions to the above sites and any other new sites or extensions) will only be permitted where they can demonstrate that:
    1. in the case of municipal, commercial and industrial waste, other means of disposal are not available;
    2. in the case of construction, demolition and excavation waste, it represents the only viable method of reclaiming land and existing mineral workings that require reclamation;
    3. in the case of operations that are incidental in nature, it is necessary to allow the development to proceed (e.g. formation of a golf course) and will be complementary to existing activities; and
    4. details of future phasing and programme of after care will form part of the submission of a reclamation scheme.
  3. Schemes for the reclamation of mineral workings or landfill sites must demonstrate how they have considered:
    1. the health and safety implications of low level reclamation/exposed faces;
    2. the potential biodiversity and geodiversity benefits of low level reclamation/exposed faces against benefits delivered by reclamation (via landfill);
    3. the effects of reclamation on the Magnesian Limestone and Sherwood Sandstone aquifers within Doncaster and Rotherham boroughs; and
    4. the effects of reclamation in terms of potential bird strike risk (in relation to air travel).


view map



Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham are likely to have sufficient landfill capacity to dispose of municipal, commercial and industrial waste over the plan period.


This policy safeguards sites which have significant disposal capacity remaining and provides some flexibility for additional capacity should it be required during the plan period. It also seeks to actively manage landfill provision in a balanced way to ensure it does not drive down prices or preclude the development of alternative waste technologies in the sub-region.


A review of this policy will take place if changes occur to existing landfill sites (e.g. increased fill rates or closures) and the regular reviews of capacity requirement and levels of provision show that additional landfill will be required before the end of the plan period. In demonstrating a need for additional landfill, applicant and developers will be required to assess the viability of extending the capacity and life of the existing landfill site subject to the requirements set out above and other policies in the Joint Waste Plan. No physical extension will be permitted unless it is evident that existing landfill capacity will run out before the end of the plan period and there are no other alternative residual waste treatment options available. However, new landfill sites will only be permitted if there is a shortfall. Safeguarding existing landfill sites also provides flexibility in the event of delays in the delivery of new waste management facilities.


The key diagram (map 1) shows the location and distribution of existing inert and non-inert landfill sites across the three boroughs that are safeguarded under policy WCS5. These sites will also be shown on each borough's proposals map. In some cases, landfill can provide opportunities to restore and recreate new landscapes and habitats at former quarries and spoil heaps, such as golf courses and country parks. However, inert construction, demolition and excavation waste cannot be landfilled unless it is the only viable means of restoring mineral workings and/or is incidental to engineering operations which are necessary to allow the development to go ahead. In considering such proposals, particular regard will be given to the duration of the operation and the business case for the wider development. In these circumstances, waste facilities or landfill restoration schemes should be complementary to existing activities.


Proposals relating to closed or remediated landfill sites will be assessed against relevant policies within our general core strategies.


  1. Proposals for waste development will only be permitted within Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham provided they can demonstrate how they:
    1. support the vision, aims and overall strategy of the Joint Waste Plan and, where relevant, the delivery of our municipal waste management strategies;
    2. provide access (which is appropriate to the scale and nature of the development) to and from the main transport network - including, where possible, rail and canal/river links that offer the potential to transport waste;
    3. ensure there is adequate highway capacity to accommodate any additional vehicles generated;
    4. ensure there is adequate space on site for vehicles to enter, wait, unload and leave safely;
    5. propose technology which is suitable for the location and nature of the site;
    6. provide high quality design and architecture, sympathetic to its context and surroundings using sustainable construction, water and energy saving measures to maximise efficiency and recover energy, where practicable;
    7. provide effective on-site waste management measures to ensure safety and security;
    8. mitigate any constraints that may reduce the potential to redevelop the site and adjoining areas in the future;
    9. provide adequate means of controlling noise, vibration, glare, dust, litter, odour and vermin and other emissions (e.g. greenhouse gases and leachate) so as to avoid adverse effects on the amenity of the immediate and surrounding environment and human health, both during and after operations;
    10. will not result in loss or damage to the diversity of wildlife and habitats at the site or adjoining land, including linear or other features that facilitate the dispersal of species;
    11. will not have an adverse impact upon the quality of ground and surface water or drainage, especially ground water aquifers and flood risk areas;
    12. will not have an adverse impact upon the integrity of conservation sites of national and international importance, particularly Thorne and Hatfield moors;
    13. will not have an adverse impact upon the significance of heritage assets and features;
    14. maintain, safeguard and enhance green infrastructure corridors and assets, particularly within areas of sensitivity such as the greenbelt, air quality management areas, country parks, river and wildlife corridors;
    15. will not reduce the safety of air travel (i.e. will provide effective management of bird-strike risk);
    16. will not increase the risk of flooding elsewhere in the catchment area and will, where possible, improve the existing flood risk situation; and
    17. will maximise any training and educational opportunities arising from the development.
  2. Proposals must include sufficient information with the planning application to demonstrate how they comply with the above criteria. This will include:
    1. the type of process;
    2. the amount and type of waste to be handled or treated at the site (together with any residues) and how they will be addressed (including estimated annual throughput);
    3. details of proposed hours of working, expected number of existing and proposed employees and the anticipated number and type of vehicle movements per day both in and out of the site;
    4. the estimated life of the operation;
    5. the origins of the waste and where it is going;
    6. the location of storage facilities within the site; and
    7. access and travel arrangements for both employees and customers, including alternative modes of travel to the private car, such as public transport, cycling and walking.



Policy WCS6 sets out the criteria against which all waste development proposals (on both allocated and unallocated sites) will be assessed. In all cases, the onus will be on the applicant or developer to demonstrate that the site is in a suitable and sustainable location to deal with waste close to its source. Individual proposals will also be assessed against other policies in each borough's Local Development Framework.


The types of waste technology that will be suitable will depend on the nature and scale of the proposed scheme and the characteristics of the site and its surroundings. The locations with the greatest potential for recycling and treatment are concentrated on existing industrial estates and employment areas within or adjoining the main urban areas of the three boroughs (including sub-regional centres and principal towns). In addition, other suitable locations may include vacant brownfield land and sites adjacent to an existing waste management use (e.g. a waste transfer station). New recovery technologies (e.g. energy from waste) will particularly suit locations that have access to gas, electricity and freight networks. However, small-scale anaerobic digestion and major windrow composting plants are more suited to rural or semi-rural settings (e.g. existing farms) and are normally not compatible with hi-tech office or business parks. Landfill sites, quarries, collieries and sewage works will be potentially suitable locations to build leachate treatment, landfill gas plants and composting schemes (especially if linked to reclamation). Construction, excavation and demolition waste could potentially be re-used or recycled at existing mineral and landfill sites as part of a reclamation scheme. Small-scale facilities in enclosed buildings will be suitable in most locations.


Waste technologies and practices will continue to evolve over the life of the plan in response to the need to reduce emissions and avoid landfill. If alternative technologies come forward on existing sites or facilities they may require planning permission.


In the case of energy-from-waste proposals, the opportunity should be taken to supply renewable energy (e.g. heat or electricity) to existing or new networks, such as district heating or combined heat and power schemes. This will contribute towards reducing our carbon footprint and addressing our energy needs over the long term.

Minimising the effects of waste development


Applicants and developers are strongly encouraged to consult with both the relevant planning authority and the local community at an early stage on their proposals in line with good practice. Where necessary, we will use legal agreements or planning conditions to ensure measures are put in place to mitigate or manage any effects associated with traffic, noise, vibrations, odour, litter, air quality, dust, glare, visual impact, flooding, and any other potential effects. Applicants and developers will be expected to provide sufficient information with the planning application to enable the relevant planning authority to assess their proposals against the above criteria.


Some waste proposals will be subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) as part of the planning application process. The level of detail and scope of the EIA will depend on the size and scale of the proposed development. The EIA will need to demonstrate that the proposed waste facility will not have an adverse impact on the environment.


Before making a planning application, applicants and developers must consider the need to undertake an 'appropriate assessment' to demonstrate that their proposals will have no adverse impact on the integrity of Special Protection Areas (SPAs) and Special Areas of Conservation (SACs). For example, emissions from waste development must not contribute to excessive acid deposition (nitrogen and sulphur) at the Thorne Moor SAC.


New waste facilities should be compatible with neighbouring uses/activities and should not reduce the attractiveness of employment sites to potential investors. In addition, such proposals should set out how many employment opportunities they will create and how they will promote access to these (e.g. through travel plans and education/training schemes).

Pollution control


Planning and pollution control regimes are separate yet complementary. Control of waste processes is a matter for the Environment Agency (the waste regulatory authority). Pollution control - otherwise known as 'environmental permitting' - is concerned with preventing pollution through the use of measures to prohibit or limit the release of substances into the environment to the lowest practicable level. This ensures that ambient air and water quality meet standards that guard against impacts on the environment and human health.

High quality design


Applicants and developers should consider design and layout issues from the outset of the project through to detailed planning application stage. Where waste facilities are well designed and carefully sited they can operate without causing undue disturbance to living conditions or long-term damage to the character of the built and natural environment. All waste processes and storage should be well screened within enclosed, purpose-built buildings so as to prevent or minimise the risk of odour, fumes, dust, noise and the visual impact on the surrounding landscape. Appropriate buffer areas such as car parking, landscape, tree planting and open space should be provided between waste facilities and neighbouring areas.


New waste facilities will be expected to have regard to the latest BREEAM (BRE Environmental Assessment Method) standards on sustainable design and all new development will be expected to incorporate measures that minimise energy, waste, water consumption and carbon emissions in line with the principles of good design (see table 10 overleaf).

Access and safety


New waste facilities will require access which is appropriate to the scale and nature of the development to transport waste, and should be well connected to sustainable transport links, such as cycle, footpath and bus routes to facilitate employee access by non-car modes. The key diagram (map 1) shows the location of the main transport links across the three boroughs. Where possible lorries should transport waste along the main road network so as to avoid sensitive locations (e.g. residential areas and narrow roads) in the interests of protecting local amenity, highway safety and the efficiency of the wider network.


Early in the development process, applicants and developers should explore opportunities to transport waste from the site via rail, canal and pipeline (including shared facilities at existing railheads, depots and wharves) as a means to reduce congestion and lorry movements on the road network. In cases where waste uses would create or add highway safety problems due to inadequate capacity or access, particularly within less accessible locations, applicants and developers will be required to implement measures or provide a contribution to ensure that necessary improvements go ahead. In addition, planning conditions and other measures may be used to protect the amenity of the surroundings or to ensure the surrounding highway has sufficient capacity. This may involve restricting the routes that vehicles can take, their size and weighting and the hours that they can enter and exit the site, especially during peak morning and evening periods. It is also important to ensure clear separation between pedestrians and vehicles within the site.

Flood risk


Where waste facilities are proposed within areas of flood risk, planning applications must provide19:

19 New developments are classified in terms of their vulnerability to flood risk (see government guidance). Waste facilities are classified as 'less vulnerable' to flood risk, while landfill and hazardous waste sites are defined as 'more vulnerable'. This means that waste recycling, composting, treatment and recovery facilities that are located on sites within high risk areas will not require an exception test.

20 Flood risk assessments apply to sites over one hectare in size or sites located within medium or high risk flood areas.


The new waste sites (see policy WCS3) have been subject to and passed the sequential test. Proposals on these sites must still apply a sequential approach to site layout and design whereby more vulnerable uses are located within the parts of the site at lowest probability of flooding. However, proposals involving alternative uses on these sites and other waste proposals within medium to high risk flood areas will normally require a sequential test in line with government guidance. No waste proposals (apart from waste water and sewage treatment works) will be permitted on the functional floodplain as shown on each borough's proposals map.

Other detailed policy considerations


The criteria listed under policy WCS6 is not exhaustive and other factors will be taken into account in the decision making process, as set out in table 10. New waste proposals will also be considered against relevant policies from other Local Development Framework documents, such as the general Core Strategy. These policies will apply to all developments, including waste facilities.

Table 10: Other detailed policy considerations

Area Issues Relevant policy and legislation Local policy and evidence
High quality design and sustainable construction High quality and inclusive design Sustainable development General core strategies
Renewable energy Renewable energy
Sustainable drainage systems Development and flood risk Catchment flood management plans: rivers Don and Trent (Environment Agency) and strategic flood risk assessments
Local amenity Transport, noise, fumes, vibration, glare, dust, litter, odour, vermin and visual impacts

Waste management

Planning and pollution control

Environmental permitting regime

Supplementary planning documents
Health and safety Impact on local communities

Waste management

Planning and pollution control

Environmental permitting regime

Health and Safety Executive: safe transport in waste management facilities

General core strategies

Health impact assessments

Wider environment Protecting land, air, ground and surface water Waste management and pollution control

Air quality management plans

Surface water management plans

Ground stability Development on unstable land General core strategies
Remediating contaminated land Planning and pollution control Contaminated land strategies
Potential water consumption Development and flood risk Catchment abstraction management plans (Environment Agency)
Safeguarding mineral resources Minerals policy statements General core strategies
Safeguarding valuable farmland Development in rural areas
Impact upon landscape character

Renewable energy

Delivering sustainable development in rural areas

Landscape character assessments and green infrastructure strategies
Impact upon heritage assets Historic environment General core strategies
Greenbelt Greenbelts General core strategies
Physical infrastructure Impact upon transport network (including rail and canal) Transport Local transport plans
Drainage and flooding issues Development and flood risk Catchment flood management plans and strategic flood risk assessments
Social infrastructure Impact on schools and other community facilities Waste management and pollution control

General core strategies



  1. All development proposals (excluding minor planning applications) must submit a waste management plan as part of the planning application. In particular, such plans will need to include:
    1. information on the amount and type of waste that will be generated from the site
    2. measures to reduce, re-use and recycle waste within the development, including the provision of on-site separation and treatment facilities (using fixed or mobile plants where appropriate);
    3. an assessment of the potential to re-use or adapt existing buildings on the site (if demolished it must explain why it is not possible to retain them);
    4. design and layouts that allow effective sorting and storing of recyclables and recycling and composting of waste and facilitate waste collection operations during the lifetime of the development;
    5. measures to minimise the use of raw materials and minimise pollution of any waste;
    6. details on how residual waste will be disposed in an environmentally responsible manner and transported during the construction process and beyond;
    7. construction and design measures that minimise the use of raw materials and encourage the re-use of recycled or secondary resources (particularly building materials) and also ensure maximum waste recovery once the development is completed; and
    8. details on how the development will be monitored following its completion.
  2. Where waste management plans include on-site recycling, recovery and re-processing provision they must demonstrate how these activities will comply with the requirements set out under policy WCS6.
  3. Proposals for non-waste development must not prevent or prejudice the delivery and operation of waste management facilities within the vicinity of the safeguarded and allocated sites set out under policies WCS2, WCS3 and WCS5.



Parts A and B of this policy apply to all development proposals (including waste management facilities) apart from minor planning applications (such as changes of use, small-scale alterations and extensions to buildings, advertisements and telecommunications).


By law, developers and waste operators must produce a site waste management plan before work starts setting out details on the amount and type of waste that will be produced on site, and how it will be re-used, recycled or otherwise disposed. The site waste management plan must be updated during the construction project when waste is removed from the site. Some of the information required under this policy will therefore be relevant in the preparation of the site waste management plan. The policy also covers the broader elements of resource efficiency and pollution prevention, such as waste collection and the effective sorting of waste material.


Appropriate private or communal waste storage areas and recycling facilities should be well screened and integrated into the design and layout of new development. The location of these facilities should be accessible to residents as well as waste collection vehicles from the kerbside, and these proposals must be shown on site plans.


Waste minimisation sits at the top of the waste hierarchy (see figure 2) and represents the most sustainable method of waste management. Development proposals will be expected to include measures to minimise the amount of waste used during the construction and lifetime of the project and re-use and recycle waste materials on site, wherever possible. For large-scale development proposals, waste minimisation issues should also be addressed through the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).


In addition, proposals that require the disposal of hazardous waste from the clear up of contaminated sites (e.g. former petrol stations) should prioritise on-site treatment (bioremediation or encapsulation) of such waste.