
7. Efficient Use of Resources


The policies in this chapter set out how the Core Strategy will ensure that we make best use of our limited natural resources for the benefit of the whole borough, to help tackle climate change and to ensure that we maximise the potential contribution of green industries to Doncaster's economy. Specific policies deal with air, water and agricultural land, renewable energy and minerals. It should be noted that Doncaster's Core Strategy sets the policy context for all planning issues except waste management and recycling. These issues will be addressed in a separate document called the Joint Waste Plan. Doncaster, Barnsley and Rotherham Councils have jointly prepared the Joint Waste Plan, which will provide a detailed planning framework to manage all types of waste in the three boroughs, including: municipal, commercial and industrial waste, construction, demolition and excavation waste, hazardous waste and agricultural waste. It has the status of a core strategy in the context of government guidance as part of each borough's Local Development Framework.

Policy CS18 – Air, Water and Agricultural Land

Doncaster's air, water and land resources will be conserved, protected and enhanced, both in terms of quantity and quality, based on the principles set out below:

A) Proposals will be supported which contribute to improvements in air quality, including by:

  1. being designed, managed and, as far as is consistent with the Growth and Regeneration Strategy (Policy CS2), located, to reduce congestion/air pollution and promote more sustainable transport options;
  2. within or adjoining Air Quality Management Areas (especially within Doncaster town centre and along the M180, A1 and M18 motorway corridors) and other areas experiencing air pollution, demonstrating how any effects on air quality will be mitigated, especially in relation to sensitive uses or areas (e.g. nature conservation sites) and having regard to the targets of the Doncaster Air Quality Action Plan; and;
  3. where relevant, incorporating low emission technologies and cleaner transport fuels to minimise the adverse effects of road and air travel.

B) The Growth and Regeneration Strategy (Policy CS2) emphasises deliverable urban brown field sites. However, where any risks to ground conditions arising from contamination or previous land uses are identified, proposals will need to incorporate measures to prevent, control and reduce air and water pollution, mitigate any ground instability and enhance the quality of these resources.

C) Proposals will be supported which facilitate the efficient use of Doncaster's significant agricultural land and soil resources, including proposals which:

  1. protect high quality agricultural land (grades 1, 2 and 3a) in so far as this is consistent with the Growth and Regeneration Strategy (as set out in Policy CS2);
  2. facilitate working with landowners to support the primary purpose of food production, whilst maximising opportunities for recreation and wildlife; and;
  3. support suitable alternative uses of lower quality agricultural land, such as flood storage or biomass production.

D) Proposals will be supported which contribute to the protection and enhancement of Doncaster's water resources, including proposals which:

  1. minimise abstraction requirements;
  2. provide water storage areas to irrigate farmland and ensure that habitats do not dry out (where this is practicable); and;
  3. demonstrate that pollution risks can be mitigated, both during the construction and operation phases.



National policy and legislation seeks to protect, maintain and enhance the quality and quantity of air, water and land resources and reduce emissions arising from these activities as well as our reliance on these resources. Doncaster contains significant land, water and soil resources, including nationally important aquifers (e.g. Sherwood Sandstone) and arable farmland (e.g. the low lying Humberhead levels - which is one of the most productive cropping areas in the UK. Yet these resources are coming under increasing pressure from a variety of sources, especially flooding from rivers and surface water run off from new development, air pollution, wildlife fragmentation and land intensification. This in turn can affect human health and quality of life.

Air quality


As with most other parts of the UK, Doncaster has generally low levels of air pollution. However, certain areas of the borough (including parts of Doncaster town centre and along M180, A1 and M18 motorway corridors) have been formally declared Air Quality Management Areas due to nitrogen dioxide emissions from road traffic. Air quality emissions are regularly monitored in these areas and in the vicinity of the airport to make sure appropriate safeguards are in place to avoid nitrogen dioxide breaches and new areas will be declared where appropriate. The policy will be used alongside other policies to deliver long term improvements in the air quality of these areas and mitigate any pollution risks, especially within sensitive uses or areas, such as housing, community facilities and sites of conservation interest.


As shown on Map 10, significant growth and development will take place within or adjacent these areas during the plan period. This poses a challenge to improve air quality and reduce emissions. In these areas, development will be monitored and appropriate measures (e.g. parking controls, low emission zones, park and ride facilities and bus/cycle priority schemes) will be put in place to improve local air quality and mitigate their effects especially along major road corridors and nodes, such as public transport corridors and green infrastructure networks. In these areas, development proposals will be expected to contribute towards the provision of these measures to tackle congestion and reduce emissions.


Whilst the Core Strategy should be read as a whole, this policy should be read in conjunction with Policy CS14 (Design and Sustainable Construction). Policy CS2 (Growth and Regeneration Strategy) is also relevant as it supports developments within existing urban locations, where possible, which will maximise access to local services and public transport. Policy CS9 (Providing Travel Choice) also establishes an approach to supporting more sustainable transport modes, including public transport, walking and cycling. Policy CS18 compliments these policies by highlighting the link to air quality, and also the role of low emission strategies/cleaner transport fuels. The latter could include making use of new technology and demand management measures to reduce energy consumption such as electric or hydrogen gas fuelled vehicles, refuelling stations at existing or proposed petrol stations and electric charging points within travel intensive developments. These measures should complement other plans and mitigation options such as green travel plans, monitoring and the provision of public transport infrastructure. Consideration of air quality impacts will need to include any potential impacts on the borough’s natural environment (see Policy CS16: Valuing our Natural Environment).

Land and resources


While much of the borough has been restored and reclaimed through the derelict land programme, there are still pockets of vacant, derelict and under used land in both urban and rural locations owing to past activities such as mining, quarrying and heavy industrial processes, notably in the Dearne Valley and former colliery areas. The above policy seeks to mitigate adverse ground conditions arising from previous land uses and contamination such as natural gas mitigation and unstable land. Ground conditions will require investigation to determine the nature of the contamination or unstable surfaces and assess the risk to human health and resources. If these investigations show that ground conditions would pose a risk to health, safety or the environment, new development will be expected to incorporate suitable remedial measures to mitigate their effects.

Agricultural land


Arable farming is the predominant agricultural land use making up nearly 50% of the total land area in the borough. Where the loss of agricultural land to built development is required to deliver the Growth and Regeneration Strategy (Policy CS2), poorer quality land should be used in preference to higher quality land to the extent that this is practicable. The above policy also seeks to ensure that agricultural land is available for food production, whilst encouraging compatible land management practices such as extending field margins to encourage wildlife creation and recreation in these areas. Proposals for other uses of agricultural land for purposes such as flood storage and biomass planting schemes (e.g. reedbed creation), will be supported where they avoid the loss of high quality agricultural land.

Protecting and improving water quality


Doncaster borough overlies two principal aquifers: Sherwood Sandstone (from which drinking water is obtained) and the Magnesian Limestone (from which drinking water can be obtained). Sherwood Sandstone is the second most important source of ground water in the UK. However, ground water supplies within both aquifers are relatively low due to over abstraction. Aquifers replenish over time through percolating rainwater so they are also at risk from changing weather patterns due to climate change. The quality of groundwater is at risk from nitrate pollution, particularly within the vicinity of Thorne and Hatfield Moors. So, it is important that new development does not impact on water quantity or harm water quality within the Sherwood Sandstone aquifer either from increased abstraction or increased pollution. Doncaster has a number of source protection zones including at Hatfield, Dunscroft, Edenthorpe, Cantley, Rossington, Bessacarr and Austerfield where development might cause pollution or undermine ground water sources, such as wells and springs. In these areas, we will only allow proposals where they can demonstrate that any pollution risks can be mitigated during its construction and operation. The Environment Agency will generally refuse new abstraction licenses in these areas.


Proposals which may affect the integrity of the internationally designated Thorne and Hatfield Moors will be expected to demonstrate that they will have no significant adverse impact on water quality, hydrology and nature conservation interests. The onus will be on the applicant/developer to screen potential impacts, provide appropriate mitigation measures and deliver biodiversity gain.


In order to comply with Part D of this policy, and the requirements of policies CS4 (Flooding and Drainage) and CS14 (Design and Sustainable Construction), applicants and developers must demonstrate there is adequate water, surface water, foul drainage and sewerage treatment capacity and connections from both on and off the site to serve the proposed development so as to avoid adverse effects (e.g. sewage flooding) on residential and commercial property, pollution of land and watercourses and water shortages with associated low pressure water supply problems. In areas where resources are under pressure, development should include measures that support water neutrality and produce water cycle studies to assess their effects on the water cycle where major growth or housing is proposed. Part D2 of the policy reflects the fact that, in the face of climate change, there is also a need to store flood water within the landscape to irrigate farmland during dry summers and ensure that wetland habitats do not dry out. This will bring opportunities to restore or create wetland habitat and reduce the risk of flooding which may also contribute to the delivery of policies CS16 (Valuing our Natural Environment) and CS17 (Green Infrastructure).

Map 10: Air Quality Management Areas

Core Strat Map 10

Policy CS19 – Renewable Energy

Doncaster will generate at least 37 mega watts of grid-connected renewable energy by 2021 in accordance with the principles set out below.

A) Proposals will be supported which give priority to:

  1. biomass and energy crop schemes especially to the north and south east of the main urban area (e.g. mixed woodland, single species short rotation forestry and large-scale forestry) outside of areas of high quality arable farmland;
  2. small-scale wind power schemes within industrial locations or existing wind farms which are sited away from the Thorne and Hatfield Moors, the River Don limestone gorge and other sensitive uses such as housing and the airport;
  3. power generation from water, waste and heat sources;
  4. landfill and sewage gas energy generation schemes; or;
  5. micro-renewable energy technologies and systems within new development.

B) Proposals for stand-alone renewable energy schemes will be directed towards areas with highest relative landscape capacity (as indicated in the landscape character and capacity studies) which are practicable for the development proposed.

C) In all cases, stand-alone renewable energy proposals will only be supported which:

  1. demonstrate how they will deliver environmental, social and economic benefits;
  2. protect local amenity and include appropriate stand-off distances between technologies such as wind turbines and sensitive receptors, such as residential areas;
  3. allow the continued safe and efficient operation and growth of Robin Hood Airport;
  4. have no significant adverse impacts, including cumulative impacts, on the built and natural environment (including landscape character, and historic and nature conservation assets, such as Thorne and Hatfield Moors);
  5. reclaim the site to a suitable and safe condition and use (such as agriculture or nature conservation) should the development cease to be operational; and;
  6. take opportunities to provide links to combined heat and power and community heating networks.



National policy requires us to plan for renewable energy provision. Renewable energy offers a viable alternative to fossil fuels and nuclear sources and includes the energy generated from wind turbines, hydro (e.g. rivers), solar power, biomass, energy crops, waste facilities, landfill sites and sewage gas. Renewable and low carbon sources of energy are central to achieving our commitments on both reducing carbon emissions and combating the effects of climate change. This is in line with our aspirations to become a low carbon borough. However, the potential negative effects of these sources need to be carefully assessed and managed on a case by case basis. This policy seeks to balance the need to provide a continuous supply of grid connected renewable energy whilst protecting the interests of local communities, historical, cultural and environmental assets.


Regional renewable energy assessments suggest Doncaster has the potential to produce at least 37 mega watts of electricity from renewable energy by 2021. The borough is already set to exceed this target with approval being given to a number of large-scale renewable energy projects. However, national policy indicates that meeting our target is no reason to not grant further proposals – the target set out above is therefore a minimum figure and will be periodically reviewed. We are developing the evidence base to inform future energy targets and help determine where renewable and decentralised renewable energy generation may be appropriate, such as energy master-planning studies at the regional and sub-regional level.


The Landscape Character Assessment highlights potential areas of moderate landscape sensitivity where wind power schemes may be more suitable (e.g. southern parts of the limestone plateau) as well as the areas that will be sensitive to such development, particularly parts of the Green Belt in the west and the airport in the east and the internationally important Thorne and Hatfield Moors. Whilst there was some potential for small-scale renewable energy generation in individual developments, energy targets are only likely to be met through large-scale stand alone renewable energy schemes. Notwithstanding this, it is expected that small-scale renewable energy proposals will make a contribution through the requirements of Policy CS14.


The above policy sets out the main criteria that will be used to assess renewable energy proposals. Whilst the policy is not specific on which renewable energy technologies will be acceptable, it highlights key opportunities and challenges and explains how renewable energy projects can support wider policy aspirations. In addition, there are opportunities to accommodate biomass planting schemes within lower lying areas and existing woodland areas and establish new decentralised energy networks (e.g. combined heat and power schemes). The history of coal mining in the borough also increases the potential to generate coal mine methane from former mines. A number of urban areas in the borough generate high energy loads in terms of electricity and heat due to the intensity of development and the range of uses, particularly at Robin Hood Airport and Doncaster town centre. In other locations, large-scale developments that will benefit from decentralised energy systems due to their anticipated heat and power loads. Where appropriate, we will seek a contribution towards off site carbon reduction schemes.


The type of technology proposed will influence the potential impacts on the built and natural environment which need to be considered. For example, wind turbines will need to demonstrate how they will not cause an unacceptable impact in terms of birdstrike, whereas biomass combustion facilities will need to consider their potential emissions to air. Stand-alone renewable energy schemes within the vicinity of the Thorne and Hatfield Moors Special Protection Area and Special Area of Conservation will be required to consider the need for a Habitat Regulations Assessment to assess their potential effects on the integrity of these areas.


For stand alone renewable energy proposals, developers will be expected to consult with members of the local community and statutory agencies (e.g. the aviation and highway authorities, and the operator of Robin Hood Airport in the case of wind farms) on their potential benefits and adverse effects. However, the viability of renewable energy schemes (especially wind power) will not only depend on economic and environmental factors such as the sensitivity of the landscape but also the availability of suitable infrastructure, such as power lines and heat networks. In the Green Belt or Countryside Protection Policy Area, some forms of stand-alone renewable energy may be acceptable, but proposals will be carefully assessed in accordance with Policy CS3 (Countryside).


The policy also seeks to safeguard and extend the capacity of heat and power networks and facilitate connection to decentralised heat and power sources wherever feasible. Energy from waste proposals will be considered against the policies set out in the Joint Waste Plan.

Map 11: Landscape Capacity for Stand-Alone Renewable Energy

Core Strat Map 11

Policy CS20 – Minerals

Doncaster has substantial mineral resources, including industrial and energy minerals and aggregates, of which we provide the majority of South Yorkshire's supply. The delivery of adequate minerals during and beyond the plan period (2011-2028) will be ensured based on the principles set out below.

A) The use of secondary and recycled aggregates will be maximised, whilst also reducing the reliance on primary aggregates, by:

  1. requiring development, including land reclamation schemes, to contribute toward providing or using recycled material and/or secondary minerals;
  2. where possible, maintaining a landbank of permitted reserves for at least seven years for sand and gravel and with Rotherham Council at least ten years for aggregate limestone;
  3. monitoring and reviewing the permitted reserves of sand and gravel, and aggregate limestone;
  4. identifying appropriate mineral extraction areas to contribute toward the sub-regional apportionment and directing aggregate mineral exploration and extraction toward 'Areas of Search'; and;
  5. requiring proposals for sand and gravel to demonstrate that the mineral resource includes a significant proportion (20% or more) of sharp sand and gravel.

B) Sufficient industrial and energy minerals will be provided for by:

  1. supporting proposals for unconventional gas on areas of derelict and degraded land or within close proximity to existing infrastructure for example pipelines and existing gas storage areas such as at Hatfield and Trumfleet;
  2. supporting proposals for energy minerals, such as coal (and its by-products), conventional oil and gas which balance economic and environmental benefits;
  3. identifying land for colliery spoil disposal at Hatfield colliery; and
  4. identifying land for the future supply of industrial dolomite, including allocating an extension to Warmsworth quarry.

C) In all cases, proposals for minerals related development will only be supported where:

  1. it is accessible via appropriate transport infrastructure including the rail and canal network where possible;
  2. it minimises impacts on local amenity and is reclaimed to a suitable after-use; and;
  3. minor schemes (such as fish ponds), retain and re-use extracted material on site, unless wider benefits are justified.

D) Minerals will be safeguarded during and beyond the plan period by:

  1. defining 'mineral safeguarding areas' around all economically important deposits of shallow coal, aggregate, industrial and building (including historic) limestone within the Magnesian Limestone ridge between Barnsdale Bar in the north and Stainton in the south, and the sharp sand and gravel between Fishlake and Bawtry; and;
  2. identifying and protecting wharves for the bulk transport of material (for example Cadeby quarry).

E) Proposals within Mineral Safeguarding Areas (including existing built-up areas), which are in accordance with the development plan allocations, will be required to consider whether prior extraction of any economically valuable minerals is feasible and environmentally acceptable. Other proposals for non-mineral development within Mineral Safeguarding Areas will be supported where:

  1. the proposal incorporates the prior extraction of any minerals of economic value in an environmentally acceptable way; or
  2. the mineral is of no economic value; or;
  3. it is not possible to extract the mineral in an environmentally acceptable way; or;
  4. the need for the development outweighs the need to safeguard the site for future; or;
  5. the development is minor or temporary in nature.



Doncaster's minerals are important natural resources that make an essential contribution to prosperity and quality of life both within South Yorkshire and the wider region. Doncaster's growth agenda presents an opportunity to use locally sourced resources to support infrastructure and construction projects, particularly within Doncaster's Main Urban Area, Principal Towns and Potential Growth Towns. The challenge is therefore to ensure our remaining minerals are worked efficiently and sustainably and encourage the use of suitable secondary aggregates and minerals therefore minimising the need for primary extraction. We should also strive toward minimising the environmental impacts associated with mineral extraction, but also ensure the industry can still contribute toward new developments, the local economy and employment.


National policy advocates the need for sustainable mineral extraction and provides guidance on defining and identifying mineral safeguarding areas, and existing and future mineral sites. It requires Local Authorities to provide for an adequate and steady supply of construction aggregate for industry by maintaining a landbank of mineral planning permissions (within the limitations of wider social, environmental and economic issues). National policy also indicates the need for promoting the use of secondary and recycled aggregates, and provision of a steady supply of all minerals, including allocating sufficient land to meet the sub-regional share.



The policy will seek to reduce the reliance on primary aggregate by requiring developments at the demolition phase to contribute toward recycling on site material and at the development phase incorporate the use of recycled material or secondary minerals such as colliery spoil. Complementary policies relating to the reuse and recycling of demolition and construction waste will be included within the Joint Waste Plan. However, despite this, extraction of primary aggregates will still be required.


The amount of extraction that should be planned for is informed by the Yorkshire and Humber Aggregates Working Party, who have identified appropriate sub-regional aggregate apportionments for extraction, and annually reporting on supply and demand, as set out in the table below. The policy (and detail in subsequent Development Plan Documents and the Proposals Map) will ensure that minerals development is located in appropriate areas. The allocations process will be informed by work to assess sites representations from industry. The representations put forward so far have been for extensions to existing quarries (both sand and gravel and limestone), and have the potential to extend each quarry's lifespan, provide for additional aggregate mineral and contribute toward the local economy.

Table 6: Doncaster's Aggregates (limestone, sand and gravel)

Mineral Sub-Regional Apportionment for 17 year Plan Period Estimated reserve (2012) Additional requirement to cover the plan period Local Target (realistic additional supply up to 2028)
Undifferentiated sand and gravel 13.77mt (0.81 x 17) 7.61mt (10.04 – 2.43) 6.16mt (13.77 – 7.61) 1mt (sharp sand and gravel)
Limestone 56.78mt (3.34 x 17) 48.78mt (58.8 – 10.02) 6 8mt (56.78 – 48.78) N/A



For limestone, the local evidence base suggests that this apportionment is realistic and it will therefore be retained. Although a small shortfall of aggregate limestone is identified, it is noted that this is due to the reapportionment of approximately 25 million tonnes limestone aggregate (required to contribute toward the landbank) to industrial mineral (which is not monitored), rather than a physical reduction in the amount of material available. This suggests some flexibility is needed in meeting a perceived shortfall and significant additional sites or extensions are probably not required during the plan period. It is also noted that a small extension of Sutton Quarry has been identified as a possible allocation to facilitate reclamation of the existing site as it can no longer be land-filled could provide a small amount of additional aggregate. The council also acknowledges there may be an issue with the number of working quarries during the plan period in terms of maintaining competition. Therefore, when considering planning applications we will take into account the number of sites making up the landbank to ensure reasonable competition is maintained.


For sand and gravel, the evidence indicates that it will be difficult to maintain a supply of sand and gravel to meet the apportionment up to the end of the plan period, nor to maintain a 7 year landbank beyond mid-2016. A 7 year landbank equates to 5.6 million tonnes (based on the current sub-regional apportionment of 0.81 million tonnes annually). Monitoring information indicates that Doncaste's landbank at the end of 2008 was 10.04 million tonnes (made up of historic and current permissions now containing predominantly soft sand), providing a reserve up to mid-2021 at an annual extraction rate of 0.81 million tonnes. The representations received to-date from mineral operators would yield just over 2 million tonnes (and of this 1.76 million tonnes has been put forward as potential sites for the plan period). Therefore, even if all the site representations for the plan period were allocated and fully extracted during the plan period, this would only provide the equivalent of just over an additional 2 years' requirement (i.e. up to 2023), leaving a shortfall of approximately 5 years to the end of the plan period.


Furthermore, the evidence base indicates that within Doncaster both the existing sand and gravel landbank and the remaining mineral deposits are made up of predominantly soft sand unsuitable for concreting products. Therefore it is important that new proposals contain a significant proportion of sharp sand and gravel. However, the ratio of sharp sand and gravel currently being extracted in the area is also below the national norm. Recent applications demonstrate that sites are extracting an average of approximately 22% sharp sand and gravel and so the target of 20% is considered to be a realistic as it takes account of local circumstances and offers some flexibility. The council's intention is to meet as far as is practicable the sub-regional apportionment. Evidence at present suggests that this is unlikely and hence Table 6 indicates what appears to be a reasonable indicative figure at present. Nevertheless the council is not seeking to prevent the exploitation of any additional reserves, should they be identified, subject to environmental considerations. We will also support proposals which take into account the limited resource and look at incorporating reclaimed or recycled material into their products.


From the analysis of representations and the need to prioritise sites which can deliver material suitable for concreting, we estimate an additional 1 million tonnes of sharp sand and gravel can be brought forward during the plan period, and so this (rather than the regional apportionment) would form the basis for identifying specific site extensions. This approach therefore gives a starting point for the preparation of the subsequent Development Plan Documents (and the Proposals Map) to:

Industrial and Energy Minerals


Section B of the policy accounts for flexible approach to supporting the provision of energy minerals, including identifying 'greener' energy sources. In setting out this support it is accepted that associated facilities and infrastructure may also be required. It is essential to reduce the reliance on imported fossil fuels and the government acknowledges the need to explore for unconventional gas such as coal mine methane, coal bed methane, shale gas and invest in clean coal technology. Coal mine methane is a naturally occurring greenhouse gas twenty times more harmful than carbon dioxide. It is formed by decaying organic matter and is absorbed within the coal. Methane associated with abandoned mines escaping into the atmosphere is a health and safety issue and also contributes toward climate change. Harnessing coal mine methane for energy production, therefore benefits both the economy and the environment. Newer technologies such as coal gasification, and hydraulic fracturing of shale gas will be assessed on their merits taking account of economic and environmental benefits and associated Development Plan Document policies.


Surface and deep coal proposals will be assessed against national policy and planning policies within the Core Strategy and associated Development Plan Documents. It is estimated that by 2020 clean coal will provide around 14% of the nation's energy. Doncaster has significant underlying reserves of deep coal, some of which is currently being worked at Hatfield colliery and Maltby colliery (in Rotherham).


Hatfield colliery is significant at a European level, with local coal supplying an EU funded clean coal power plant, to be developed on site. Electricity produced from clean coal power plants releases 90% less carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Land will also be allocated for colliery spoil, but consideration must be given to the use of the spoil as a secondary aggregate for development proposals within Doncaster and the wider Sheffield city region. The colliery is located near to a mineral line and a navigable waterway which, with investment could be used to transport waste material.


The 'British Geological Survey' places considerable economic importance on industrial dolomite due to its restricted distribution, with working quarries located in Durham, South Yorkshire (Doncaster) and Derbyshire. The British Geological Survey go on to say 'Permian dolomites are the main source of dolomite in the UK and are a resource of national and regional importance, ensuring supply during and beyond the plan period is therefore of strategic importance'. Identifying the need to allocate land as an extension to Warmsworth quarry will secure the supply of a strategically important mineral during the plan period.

Managing Impacts


The policy will ensure that long-term detrimental effects on the environment are accounted for, with further policies on reclamation and aftercare being accounted for through national policy, associated planning policies within the Core Strategy and detail in subsequent documents (either developed alongside the Proposals Map and/or as a Supplementary Planning Document). Doncaster has two unique issues associated with sand and gravel extraction:


It is essential to note therefore, that certain restoration proposals, such as land-filling and pond creation (attracting large birds such as Canada Geese) may not be suitable.


The policy accounts for the sustainable transportation of minerals along waterways but railheads are limited in Doncaster and investment in railheads and wharves is costly. There are no proposals for further investment in rail transport or wharves during the plan period and future consideration should be given to dual use facilities accommodating the transfer of both goods and minerals. With a trend indicating a decline in economically viable sharp sand and gravel it is anticipated that there will be no net increase in vehicle movements (for aggregates extraction) during the plan period. Where the use of the road network is the most viable option it is essential that the strategic road network is used in the first instance avoiding urban areas and small country roads.



Mineral resources are finite; therefore it is essential a sustainable approach is used to ensure sufficient supply for the future. The policy ensures that minerals are safeguarded from inappropriate development beyond the plan period. Doncaster's mineral safeguarding areas have been developed by assessing the best available geological and mineral resource information, against issues and constraints such as sterilisation by existing and proposed development, proximity to nearby housing, and links to major roads. Non-mineral development allocations, proposals and regeneration projects in urban areas with known mineral resources will be required to consider realistic opportunities for extraction prior to development. There is no presumption that the extraction of minerals in mineral safeguarding areas is, or will be environmentally acceptable now or in the near future, but that a potential resource is accounted for during and available beyond the plan period.


Peat is an economically important mineral resource and Thorne and Hatfield Moors are the largest lowland peat resource in the country. These deposits however, occur within internationally designated conservation areas (see Policy CS16, Chapter 6) and as such peat extraction (other than as part of on site restoration) will not be supported in these areas. However, where peat is found in areas outside the moors, pre-development extraction should be considered as part of the re-development/regeneration project.

Map 12: Doncaster's Minerals

Core Strat Map 12