4. Employment, Town Centres and Transport
The policies in this chapter set out how the Core Strategy will support the growth of Doncaster's economy and the provision of opportunities for all of Doncaster's communities. The first policy outlines how much additional employment land will be needed, in which sectors and what other interventions are required to ensure that jobs are created. Other policies provide detail on town centres and shopping areas, including the role of the main town centre in Doncaster. A specific policy sets out how the Core Strategy will support transport improvements to ensure people have a choice of transport options.
National policy seeks to create sustainable economic growth through building prosperous communities by improving the economic performance of both urban and rural areas, promoting regeneration, tackling deprivation and promoting and supporting existing and new business sectors. The plan should be positive and proactively encourage sustainable economic growth, support existing business sectors and identify emerging sectors and plan positively for knowledge driven and high technology clusters. Previously developed land should be prioritised and allocated land should reflect the locational requirements of businesses. It is important that growth, choice and competition are provided for especially where businesses are changing and that unsuitable existing employment land is re-allocated. There is also a requirement to reduce the need to travel through measures such as using previously developed land, travel planning and promoting the vitality and viability of the town centres which are already well serviced by public transport. The rural economy and communities should be enhanced and the open countryside should be protected.
The evidence base for Doncaster's Local Economic Assessment (2010) identifies that Doncaster had an output gap of £415 million between the actual Gross Value Added (the value added created through the production of goods and services) of Doncaster's economy, and its potential output in comparison with the Yorkshire and Humber Region in 2008. This is made up of the following components set out below.
Table 3: Doncaster's Output Gap with the Yorkshire and Humber Region (2008)
Component | Impact | Description | |
A | Employment rate | -£143 million | Negative Impact – Higher levels of worklessness reduce Doncaster's output. A smaller percentage of people of working age are working. |
B | Productivity sectoral Mix | -£135 million | Negative Impact – Employment in Doncaster is generally skewed to lower productivity sectors. |
C | Productivity output | -£131 million | Negative Impact – Doncaster's output per employee across the employment sectors is lower. Doncaster's workers are less productive because of lower skill levels, low levels of innovation and lower levels of capital investment. |
D | Sectoral mix AND productivity | -£272 million | Overall Negative Impact – The combination of the sectoral mix and productivity impacts increases the overall impact of the two individual components. |
Total (A+D) | -£415 million | Output gap between Doncaster and the Yorkshire and Humber Region. | |
Data sources: Employment Rate – Office for National Statistics, Productivity data – Regional Econometric Model |
It is therefore important that Doncaster encourages innovation, attracts more capital investment, raises skill and education levels, improves graduate retention and reduces deprivation. The Doncaster Economic Strategy and the Doncaster Work and Skills Plan are key strategies for addressing these issues. Links to places within the Sheffield City Region, such as Rotherham, Bassetlaw and Sheffield, need to be strengthened, as do links to locations outside the Sheffield City Region, such as Hull and York.
Policy CS5 – Employment Strategy
Doncaster's economy will be supported, in accordance with the principles set out below to enable improved levels of economic output and increase access to opportunities.
A) Sufficient employment land will be allocated to take into account:
- the identified potential for the creation of 36,000 jobs in the sectors set out below;
- Doncaster's wider aspirations for economic growth, as set out in the Economic Strategy;
- historic take-up rates of employment land; and;
- the need for a range of sites to provide flexibility.
B) The retention of existing employment sites and the location and amount of new employment sites is set out in the Growth and Regeneration Strategy (Policy CS2). In releasing new land for strategic warehousing, priority will be given to the proposed Strategic Rail Freight Interchange at Rossington which will be served by rail freight and will operate as an intermodal terminal.
C) Major employment sites will be retained for employment uses which may include some small scale supporting uses. Local employment sites will generally be retained for employment purposes with alternative uses being supported where the use is appropriate in terms of scale, design and location, will not adversely affect the efficient operation of adjacent employment land or uses and meets one of the following criteria:
- it supports the employment uses located on the employment allocation;
- is a specialist use which is appropriate to an employment site and cannot be located elsewhere; or;
- has a mix of commercial and/or community uses that provides clear additional benefits.
Table 4: Employment Strategy
Sector | 'Soft' Interventions required to assist job delivery | Potential jobs from pipeline projects |
Office |
Marketing and promotion and branding; training plans; Waterfront Strategy; Town Centre Masterplan; Town Charter; Work and Skills Plan; training including graduate retention; travel plans (for new and existing developments) that ensure accessible and sustainable transport links to the City Region economy |
2,300 |
Retail, leisure and catering including tourism |
Marketing, promotion and branding; training plans; Waterfront Strategy; Town Centre Masterplan; Town Charter, tourism strategies |
3,800 |
Distribution warehousing (logistics sector) | Travel plans (for new and existing developments) that ensure accessible and sustainable transport links; Logistics strategy; Work and Skills Plan; Links to Further and Higher Education; training and recruitment | 7,700 |
Businesses related to the airport |
Surface Access Strategy; Airport Master Plan; Aviation Strategy, Design Quality Framework; Work and Skills Plan; Directions Finningley; Marketing and promotion e.g. Take off at the Airport; links to the City Region economy and beyond |
9,300 |
Light industry and manufacturing |
Links to the City Region economy; marketing and promotion; links to further and higher education; Work and Skills Plan; training including graduate retention, Travel Plans (for new and existing developments) that ensure accessible and sustainable transport links |
2,400 |
Environmental, renewable energy, low carbon, waste (green jobs) |
Work and Skills Plan; training including graduate retention; links to the City Region economy; links to further and higher education; marketing and branding |
Included within other sectors |
Health, education and other services |
Range of interventions depending upon individual opportunities for growth |
10,300 |
Note: The table shows 'soft' interventions, whilst the Infrastructure Delivery Schedule includes details of the physical infrastructure being planned to help deliver these jobs. The potential jobs from transformational pipe-line projects are based on the economic forecasts as summarised in the explanatory text that follows. |
Jobs forecasting has been carried out taking into account the Economic Strategy and projects that are being planned in Doncaster. Pipeline projects include schemes at an advanced stage, normally with planning permission, and other projects which are at an earlier stage of development. Due to the inclusion of the latter, the projects are not used to identify which sites should be allocated but, cumulatively, provide a useful indication of current known market demand in different sectors. It is based on a best case scenario in which all of these emerging projects are successful and provides an indication of the likely change in number of total jobs by broad sectors. These forecasts reflect the changing nature of the economy for example Robin Hood Airport, the attraction of the logistics sector to Doncaster but also takes account of the wider economy including recessional impacts and results in the prospect of a potential additional 36,000 net full time equivalent jobs during the 17 year plan period of 2011-2028.
These forecasts, together with the Economic Strategy (informed by the Local Economic Assessment), information on previous take up rates and allowances for flexibility (including churn and choice factors), inform the calculations for how much land should be provided in the plan period, as set out in Policy CS2: Growth and Regeneration Strategy. This will ensure Doncaster's potential for economic growth is not impeded due to a lack of suitable sites.
It should be noted that the figures set out in Policy CS2 are based on a typical site layout including operational buildings, access roads, parking and landscaping. Therefore, in assessing how much of a site allocation or planning permission contributes towards meeting the requirement, parts of the site may be discounted where they are used to address site specific issues (such as balancing ponds or significant green infrastructure provision or mitigation). Where a site is likely to contain a mix of uses, for example both distribution warehousing and general industrial, the relevant portion of the site will be separated and counted towards the relevant targets.
The Core Strategy's role is to ensure that one of the key issues (land supply of the right amount, type and locations) is addressed. The performance of this policy will be measured through other indicators as set out in Chapter 8. However, to make progress towards this figure it is important to acknowledge that land allocations alone cannot deliver the amount of required jobs. Therefore this policy has links to other policies and strategies which can help deliver jobs and a workforce with higher skill levels and sectors which will have a beneficial impact on the Doncaster economy. Current strategies and requirements are identified which will enable the successful delivery of each sector.
The Infrastructure Delivery Schedule contains detail on what physical infrastructure is required across the borough such as White Rose Way and the Finningley and Rossington Regeneration Route Scheme (FARRRS) to help deliver the potential of these sectors. All new employment sites (where appropriate) will need to be accessed from across the borough to enable residents to travel to the new jobs, especially from communities where jobs have been lost. Therefore, the approach set out in Policy CS9: Providing Travel Choice will be instrumental to supporting the successful growth of Doncaster's economy.
Policy CS2: Growth and regeneration Strategy, indicates that an additional 290 hectares (net) of additional distribution warehousing will be allocated, with the broad locations being the M18/M180 corridor at junctions close to Armthorpe, Stainforth/Hatfield and/or Thorne and the Strategic Rail Freight Interchange at Rossington. Policy CS5 gives priority to sites at the proposed Strategic Rail Freight Interchange at Rossington which it is envisaged will provide approximately 166 hectares. We will therefore phase the release of the remaining 124 hectares of land and ensure that a maximum of 50% (62 hectares) will be developed within 5 years from the adoption of the Core Strategy. This figure includes those sites with planning permission.
The manufacturing sector is forecast to decline but a high land provision is used to take account of an increased interest in manufacturing, previous rates of employment land take up and the priorities set out in the Economic Strategy. The established and steadily growing Creative and Digital Industry category has not been included within the land requirements as many of the jobs can be grouped in sectors such as retail and leisure, therefore this would result in job figures being duplicated. Furthermore, with assets such as Robin Hood Airport, the Racecourse and Thorne and Hatfield Moors, Doncaster has some potential for the growth of both leisure and business tourism, which could bring additional jobs and opportunities. However given the nature of these opportunities, no specific land requirements have been set out in Policy CS2.
Subsequent Development Plan Documents (and the Proposals Map) will identify 'Major Employment Sites' and 'Local Employment Sites'. Major Employment Sites are the larger sites which are required to support certain sectors and maximise the benefit from our comparative advantages. These advantages are identified through the Local Economic Assessment and include the airport and our rail and motorway links. It is envisaged that these will include new employment allocations within the M18 corridor and the following existing employment sites: Airport Business Park, Hatfield Power Park, Redhouse Park, Westmoor Park, Nimbus Park and Carcroft Common. The Major Employment Site allocations will take account of relevant operational needs, and identified market demand, for certain sectors. However, to provide flexibility and avoid stifling investment, it is envisaged that in most cases the policies will avoid prescribing specific employment uses and sectors on the sites. Alternative uses on these sites will not be supported.
Local Employment Sites are the smaller sites which provide a range of employment sites across the borough to support business growth and maximise local communities' employment opportunities. Proposals for alternative uses on these sites may be acceptable, provided they meet the requirements of Part C of the policy. These alternative uses could include specialist retail uses (such as car showrooms), training facilities that may normally be found on employment sites and some leisure/community facilities. This policy should be read in conjunction with other relevant Local Development Framework policies, in particular those relating to Town Centres (Core Strategy Policies CS7 and CS8).
In the production of subsequent Development Plan Documents (and the proposals map) existing employment sites and allocations will be assessed to determine if they are more appropriate for either housing or mixed use developments. Therefore, it is not envisaged that housing or mixed use developments will be supported in the short-term on any Local Development Framework employment allocations (including existing sites which are retained). However, in the longer term there may be limited circumstances in which mixed use development of Local Employment Sites would be supported where this leads to the delivery of job creation on a proportion of a site which has otherwise proved to be undeliverable.
Policy CS6 – Robin Hood Airport and Business Park
Growth and investment at Robin Hood Airport will be supported in accordance with the principles set out below.
A) The airport is a multi modal transport interchange offering improved international air passenger and freight services to the region with a range of connected sites to provide for business development related to the airport incorporating training facilities.
B) There is improved access to the airport, including FARRRS and a railway station, to enable easy access from the borough, Sheffield City Region and the wider region.
C) Westward expansion of the business parks alongside the airport access road, and airfreight and maintenance repair operation facilities, will be supported around the southern end of the runway.
D) Proposals will be supported where:
- environmental impacts are adequately mitigated, including improved landscaping and tree planting, and a Quiet Operations Policy;
- there will be no detrimental impacts on the conservation objectives of Thorne and Hatfield Moors, particularly the lowland raised mire habitat and nightjar populations;
- a surface access strategy is developed to make best use of surface access infrastructure including access to neighbouring districts, mainline rail services and providing a wide choice of travel modes to the services and jobs at the airport;
- there are training and recruitment plans that will assist delivery of improved skills and economic development, particularly for local people;
- on site car parking provision is sufficient to avoid the need for offsite car parks;
- Safeguarding Areas and Public Safety Zones are maintained to enable the airport to operate safely;
- buildings, layout and landscaping are of high quality; and;
- uses are required to support air services passengers and businesses at the airport e.g. hotel.
National policy supports the development of regional airports to increase air passengers and freight, reducing reliance on London airports and improve economic performance of regions and recognises that airports attract businesses around them. They can provide a focal point for clusters of businesses especially for logistics and importantly provide an impetus to regeneration and a focus for new commercial and industrial development. Within Yorkshire and Humber there is a reliance on airports outside of the region which results in more journeys, mainly by car, to non local airports. The success of Robin Hood Airport, is therefore of importance to the wider Sheffield City Region, and to maximise this benefit as a key economic driver, improved access to the M18 is required. Furthermore, Doncaster has excellent strategic transport links and a growing logistics hub. It will be important that the airport connects into these transport networks as well as other logistics facilities in the area and improves its connectivity to the rail system through a new rail station and in longer term through rail links into the site.
The airport masterplan identifies a range of future growth levels depending on its commercial success and opening of FARRRS and forecasts up to 10.76 million passengers a year by 2030. Overall, it identifies the possibility of up to 14,100 jobs at the airport and business parks by 2030. Forecasts based on airport catchment areas undertaken on behalf of the council to inform the FARRRS business case estimate a throughput of 4.19 million passengers per year by 2016 and 6.39 million passengers per year by 2030. The policy supports the employment and transport proposals set out in the airport masterplan plan. Planning permission for the housing element of the masterplan (at Hayfield Green) has already been granted, in light of the specific circumstances which apply to the airport, and not as an indication of policy direction. Therefore, as set out in Policy CS10: Housing Requirement, Land Supply and Phasing, these 750 units will provide an additional source of housing to the allocations set out in Policy CS2: Growth and Regeneration Strategy, and any further housing growth at Hayfield Green would not be in accordance with this Core Strategy.
The Doncaster Aviation Strategy identified that the airport has several key strengths that will enable it to develop aviation sector activity such as a long runway; suitable sites for appropriate development; educational support; pro-active and supportive public sector and the success of Directions Finningley. The strategy supports a range of issues including 'soft' measures to promote and jointly market the airport and business parks. The strategy stresses that the need to improve the external connectivity of the airport is vital and the development of FARRRS is a significant opportunity to enhance its competitive position. The outcomes of the strategy have, where possible, been included in the Core Strategy.
Very significantly, a range of training facilities have been attracted to the airport supporting the aim of improving skills levels and regeneration and in particular it has been successful in attracting airside uses. The council remains committed to supporting improvements in skill levels, including initiatives related to the airport.
However, any growth of the airport (including the business park) or increase in flight numbers will need to address impacts such as noise, health and pollution. Because Thorne and Hatfield Moors are internationally important nature conservation sites and vulnerable to changes in air quality, detailed consideration of the air quality impacts of any future increases to the number of flights will be required. Improved landscaping will be needed to shield new buildings that may locate outside the current built core of the airport. The public safety zones and safeguarding areas are to be designated in line with government guidance and reduce the risks to the public, surrounding buildings and assist safe operation of the airport. The site should exploit its potential for rail accessibility that should be developed as the airport grows but it is unlikely that this will be achieved until at least the end of the plan period. Aviation contributes to emissions affecting global change and it will be important that these impacts are reduced where possible by adopting sustainable practices such as the Strategy Towards Sustainable Development of UK Aviation and adopting high modal transport targets for access to the airport. The airport's location and assets does reduce reliance on more distant airports that will become increasingly congested.
Offices that locate at the airport should be airport related or ancillary to the range of uses that will cluster around the aviation activities and should always be in scale and the business relationship explicitly justified. Priority should be given to developing well located brownfield areas (where this is practicable) in advance of using greenfield sites. Any westwards expansion of the airport business park will need to take account of these issues, and also have regard to the rate of development on the existing business park.
As a gateway site to the region it is important that designs of buildings and landscaping are of high quality especially where visible from public vistas and taking account of the Design and Sustainable Construction Policy (Policy CS14).
The FARRRS will improve accessibility and marketability of the airport which will support the growth of the Sheffield City Region and improve the number, range and quality of jobs in Doncaster. Should FARRRS not go ahead the expansion of the airport and its business parks would be limited to the transport constraints of the capacity of the existing transport network and a weaker market appeal to attract inward investment, air services and direct connectivity to other modal freight facilities. If FARRRS does not progress it is likely that:
- fewer high skilled jobs would be attracted to Doncaster, limiting its opportunity to improve its economic performance;
- other land would need to be brought forward elsewhere in the borough to provide the jobs need for Doncaster;
- economic opportunities will be lost to the region, including an opportunity to locate different types of freight transport facilities near to each other; and
- greater reliance will have to be made on more distant airports.
In addition to support access at the airport the Airport Surface Access Strategy (ASAS) will continue to be developed with the Air Transport Forum and all new development at the airport site should be included in this strategy and it continues to evolve. The ASAS should ensure effective travel planning, traffic management and public transport for the airport area. The long term master plan and existing planning permission supports the implementation of a rail station at the airport on the Doncaster to Lincoln Line and in the longer term the need for rail links into the airport site should continue to be kept under review.
Policy CS7 – Retail and Town Centres
Town centre uses will be located according to the Retail Hierarchy as set out below, in order to promote choice, competition and innovation:
- Sub-Regional Centre: Doncaster Town Centre
- Town Centres: Thorne, Mexborough
- District Centres: Adwick, Armthorpe, Askern, Bawtry, Conisbrough, Tickhill
- Local Centres: Woodfield Plantation, Rossington, Carcroft, Skellow, Bentley, Hatfield, Dunscroft, Intake, Balby, Moorends, Edlington, Stainforth, Edenthorpe, Denaby Main
- Neighbourhood Shopping Parades
A) Doncaster town centre will remain the largest centre in the borough. Proposals for major town centre uses will be directed sequentially to the Primary Shopping Area but then to the wider town centre. After Doncaster, priority will be given to improving retail facilities in Mexborough and Thorne.
B) The vitality and viability of all the borough's centres will be maintained and enhanced, as will their existing range of uses, including local markets. This will involve widening the range of uses and encouraging convenient and accessible shopping, service and employment facilities to meet the day-to-day needs of residents.
C) On large new urban extension sites, which are not within easy walking distance of existing shops and services, new local centres will be established or existing retail functions adapted to serve the needs of the residents. Such centres should be of a scale appropriate to the site and should not undermine the role or function of other centres within the retail hierarchy.
D) Retail and other uses (including leisure, entertainment, cultural and tourist uses as well as other mixed-uses) that would support the vitality and viability of the centres in the hierarchy below Doncaster town centre will be directed sequentially to these centres provided they:
- are of a scale and nature that is appropriate to the size and function of the centre, and;
- would not lead to unsustainable trip generation from outside their catchments.
E) Outside these centres, the following types of retail provision will be supported:
- bulky-goods non-food retail development within existing retail warehouse parks so long as any increase in floorspace does not have an unacceptable impact on town centres and the proposal is in accordance with the sequential test as set out in National Policy;
- specialist shops (including car showrooms) and trade centre developments within non-strategic employment sites;
- small-scale ancillary retail uses within employment sites (including showrooms) subject to them occupying no more than 10% of the total floor area of the building;
- changes of use to retail and other local services within existing neighbourhood centres; and;
- small shops within residential areas to serve the local area.
National policy requires that the vitality and viability of existing centres is sustained and enhanced and that local authorities wherever possible plan for new development within them having regard to the role and needs of their catchments and their place in the defined network and hierarchy of centres. Policies need to be flexible to respond to changing economic circumstances and to seek to remedy deficiencies in areas with poor access to facilities. To ensure that the hierarchy of centres is supported and the retail needs of the local population are met, the council will wish to assess applications for the range of uses set out in the policy against the tests required in national policy, where appropriate, particularly those which propose major retail uses outside of centres or retail warehouse parks.
The Doncaster Retail Study 2010 advises that although there is no real short-term need for significant retail expansion in the borough, the council should seek to locate any such subsequent demand into town centres to fulfil the 'town centres first' approach and thereby strengthen their role in the hierarchy of centres. The Doncaster Retail Study 2010 assesses that there will be capacity for an additional 12,308 square metres of convenience goods floorspace in the borough up to 2026 and an additional 46,532 square metres of comparison goods floorspace over the same period. These estimates at Table 9.1 in the Retail Study 2010, based upon survey material gathered up to 2010, set out the general scale of capacity envisaged for the borough as a whole for Doncaster town centre and for the defined town centres of Mexborough and Thorne up to 2026 based on current market shares. These estimates will be refined as the council prepares its subsequent Development Plan Documents (including the Proposal Map) in the light of such considerations as planning approvals since 2010, emerging National Policy and more up to date survey material.
The Doncaster Retail Hierarchy Study 2009 assesses the level of facilities in each of the District and Local Centres and confirms their place in the hierarchy. The role and function of the higher order centres of Doncaster, Mexborough and Thorne are dealt with in the Doncaster Retail Study 2010.
The hierarchy of centres identifies five levels of centre. It is not possible to prescribe a minimum level either of floorspace or number of units to each type within the hierarchy. A centre's position within the hierarchy will be determined by a number of factors, including floorspace, number, size and type of shops, the provision of non-retail facilities, characteristics of the centre, catchment area and proximity to other centres. Mexborough and Thorne are both important service centres, which provide a wide range of facilities for large catchment areas. The district centres identified provide retail and non-retail services, such as banks and restaurants and all have a library. The local centres include a smaller range of shops and services. Residential as part of mixed-use developments in centres is welcomed but not at the expense of ground floor retail.
The Core Strategy solidifies our town centre first approach with all new major retail developments being directed towards Doncaster, Mexborough and Thorne, with Doncaster being the preferred destination. The 2010 Retail Study identifies sites within Doncaster town centre which are sufficiently large enough to accommodate all of the comparison goods capacity. The detail of where this will specifically be directed will be set out in subsequent Development Plan Documents (including the Proposals Map). To direct town centre uses away from town centres would be to undermine their role and existing provision, during a time of increasingly tough trading. It would also exacerbate unsustainable trip patterns.
It is not envisaged that additional space will be allocated within Doncaster's other district and local centres. However, if proposals come forward which seek to improve the town centre offer, these proposals will be supported, provided that the development is of the appropriate scale to the centre it is proposed in. Furthermore, this hierarchy is flexible and it is anticipated that with the culmination of proposed developments, the service centres of Woodfield Plantation, Rossington and the DN7 Growth Area may be afforded District Centre status in future plans. It may also be appropriate for future plans to afford Local or District Centre status to other schemes, such as large mixed-use sites. Such areas will be assessed once developments are completed and having regard to the relevant definitions as set out in national planning policy.
All Town Centre boundaries, Primary Shopping Policy Areas, Primary and Secondary Shopping Frontages will be defined within subsequent Development Plan Documents (including the Proposals Map), as well as the range of uses that will be supported within them.
There are some retail uses that can complement town and district centre facilities rather than directly compete; they comprise either bulky goods, which are not conveniently accommodated within town centres, or specialist retail facilities that require car access or which are ancillary to employment sites. It is important however, that such uses do not result in the loss of too much employment land or exceed the purpose for which they are permitted.
Doncaster has a good distribution and comprehensive range of out-of-town food and convenience stores and there is capacity for additional floorspace over the plan period although new space should be directed towards the town centre. Capacity for additional comparison goods floorspace has also been identified, again with a requirement to locate in the town centre and on retail warehouse parks as appropriate. There may also be a need for smaller 'corner' shops to meet identified local need particularly in large residential areas and estates; such facilities can be highly sustainable provided they can be accommodated without adversely affecting residential amenity.
The commitment of this policy to focus new development into existing centres based on scale and appropriateness will be monitored by means of annual health checks. Developers will be expected to demonstrate that the 'sequential test' has been passed and no significant adverse impacts on existing centres have been identified before out-of-centre locations are chosen.
The council acknowledges the potential threat of special forms of trading to its town centres (online, mail order and tele-shopping). Their effect is hard to judge, especially during a 17 year plan period. Nevertheless, the council considers that for this reason alone it is important to emphasise its policies of town centre regeneration and enhancement and to promote their centres as attractive destinations for shopping, leisure and cultural purposes. A visit to a town centre should be a fulfilling experience. It is in this context that pedestrian priority schemes, the enhancement of Conservation Areas and investment in Listed Buildings are given the highest priority funding consistent with available funding.
The successful implementation of this policy will result in a strengthened hierarchy of centres which are capable of serving the relevant needs of their particular catchment areas, reducing the need to travel and providing the opportunity for people to benefit from linked trips to access services and facilities.
Policy CS8 – Doncaster Town Centre
Doncaster town centre will continue to be developed as a thriving and accessible retail, office and leisure destination of regional importance with a range of high quality services and businesses, homes and excellent cultural and further education facilities. As an economic driver for the borough, a focal point for investment and an exemplar for borough-wide urban regeneration, this change and growth will result in a place characterised by vibrant, safe, successful and attractive buildings, streets and spaces, based on the principles set out below.
A) Key town centre uses that would enhance the vitality and viability of Doncaster Town Centre (including retail, key leisure and entertainment uses and arts, cultural and tourism uses) will be directed sequentially to the Doncaster Town Centre Primary Shopping Area as shown on the diagram, and then to the wider town centre. This will be defined precisely on the Proposals Map.
B) Other town centre uses, which would support growth and deliver facilities and services associated with a successful regional town (including hotels, non-key leisure uses, civic, cultural, education, health and residential uses) will be acceptable in principle within the wider Doncaster Town Centre shown on the diagram and defined on the Proposals Map.
C) Specifically, the council and partners will help deliver this regeneration by:
- coordinating investment to ensure that Doncaster Market has a long-term future;
- focussing major development opportunities as set out in (B) above toward Waterfront, Marshgate, Civic and Cultural Quarter and St Sepulchre Gate West areas;
- designating primary and secondary shopping frontages to maintain the character and intensity of retail uses within the main shopping areas;
- improving the quality and appearance of the town centre by providing specific urban design and architectural guidance for new development, especially tall and landmark buildings;
- working with partners and the development sector to plan and promote high quality development opportunities, where necessary, utilising the council's powers of compulsory acquisition.
D) Proposals will be supported which, where relevant:
- revitalise the Waterdale Shopping Centre area as a mixed-use development complementary to the existing retail provision in the town centre
- provide better opportunities for the independent retail and commercial sectors particularly around the market and in the Lower Wheatley area;
- promote and diversify the education, leisure, cultural facilities and night-time and evening economy with special emphasis on supporting tourism;
- bring about environmental improvement and economic regeneration especially at Hall Gate Triangle, Copley Road/Netherhall Road, Spring Gardens/Duke Street and the Minster Quarter;
- improve places for pedestrians, cyclists and the disabled by enhancing public transport accessibility, car parking, signage and streets, with special emphasis on reducing the severance caused by the Trafford Way/Church Way corridor and improving the links to Balby Island, St Sepulchre Gate West, Waterfront, Hyde Park and Lower Wheatley; and;
- create high-quality public spaces, particularly at Waterfront, Waterdale, Doncaster Market, Doncaster Minster, St Sepulchre Gate West, railway station and recognise the need to provide more greenspace.
Policy CS8 is framed to promote the aspiration of continuing to achieve economic growth and environmental quality for the centre and expresses the council's commitment to engage actively to deliver meaningful change. Policy CS7 assists this aim by applying a sequential approach to town centre uses.
The reasoning for this policy approach is supported by three key studies:
- The Doncaster Economic Strategy calls for a major revival of the town centre to support job creation and as a place of urban quality.
- The Doncaster Town Charter and Town Centre Masterplan propose a long-term urban design and development strategy which was prepared by the local community and stakeholders and which has already formed a successful basis for development decision-making.
- Doncaster Retail Study 2010 considers the town centre to be generally healthy and performing well in a number of vitality indicators but with the need to rebalance the centre by focussing development in the markets and Waterdale areas and continuing to improve overall environmental conditions in secondary areas.
The core themes of the policy are based around urban quality, the achievement of an intense and vibrant mix of uses and partnership working to make the town centre a better place for all users. We are not starting with a blank canvass – the council and its partners have consistently worked to achieve meaningful and quality change either through its own initiatives or its positive and constructive response to development proposals. The council works within the overall framework set out in the Town Centre Masterplan 2003 which expresses a 25 year vision for regeneration and this is considered to be an effective vehicle for implementation and monitoring.
Through the implementation of this policy and underpinned by the monitoring effects of regular town centre health checks and adherence to the masterplan framework, the council is confident that over the lifetime of this Plan, the town centre will improve to contain a coherent urban pattern of streets and spaces framed with high quality buildings providing an intense mix of uses consistent with a successful sub-regional town.
Map 5: Doncaster Town Centre
Policy CS9 – Providing Travel Choice
Travel choice (including connectivity and affordability) will be improved within the borough, to the wider Sheffield City Region, and beyond. Proposals will therefore be supported which make an overall contribution to the improvement of travel choice and the transport network, having regard to: the nature of the proposal and its potential impact on the transport network; the schemes and delivery mechanisms set out in the Infrastructure Delivery Schedule (Chapter 8, Table 8), any wider opportunities and priorities; and; the detailed principles set out below.
A) Proposals will be supported which improve the efficiency of, and key connections to, the internal road, strategic road and motorway networks, including:
- A6182 White Rose Way improvement;
- M18 between junctions 2-3 and junction 5 the Hatfield Spur;
- FARRRS; and;
- investigations and works to improve accessibility in North Doncaster, particularly for links between the A1(M), A19 and M18.
B) Proposals will be supported which improve rail transport, including:
- where feasible, new, expanded or re-opened lines and stations including a new station at Robin Hood Airport.
- upgrading of the East-Coast mainline (Leeds and York) and the Trans Pennine links (Manchester, Sheffield and Hull); and;
- the aspiration for new high speed rail opportunities and the Barnsley-Doncaster Rail Link.
C) Parking in Doncaster's retail and town centres will be appropriately managed to support their vitality and viability and to reflect local priorities.
D) Proposals will be supported which improve the efficiency of freight transport, and provide opportunities for alternatives to road transport where possible, including:
- protection and promotion of the navigation and wharf facilities;
- facilities for lorry parking and roadside service areas, where appropriate, and;
- increased aviation and rail freight movements including at Robin Hood Airport, the existing Rail Port at White Rose Way and Rossington Strategic Rail Freight Interchange.
E) Proposals will be supported which improve bus transport, including:
- expanding and/or upgrading key bus routes; and;
- the provision of additional and/or improved park & ride facilities.
F) Proposals will be supported which improve the number and quality of opportunities for walking and cycling both as part of the highway and as part of the wider green infrastructure network.
G) New developments will provide, as appropriate, transport assessments and travel plans to ensure the delivery of travel choice and sustainable opportunities for travel.
National policy indicates that access to jobs, shopping and leisure facilities should be available by all modes of travel, with an emphasis on public transport and other sustainable modes. It sets out an overall approach to addressing the needs of motorists, other road and public transport users, and business by addressing congestion and pollution and achieving better access to development and facilities.
The Sheffield City Region Transport Strategy sets out an overarching Vision to offer people a great place in which to live, work, invest and visit over the next 15 years. The goals of the strategy are to support the economic growth of the Sheffield City Region whilst enhancing social inclusion and health, reducing emissions from vehicles and maximising safety to keep people and commerce moving efficiently. The Core Strategy will support the Transport Strategy by implementing new road infrastructure (where required to support economic objectives), improving public transport access and options for walking and cyclists and improving air quality and the environment. The long term Transport Strategy will be supported by short term Implementation Plans, which will inform, and be informed by, the Local Development Framework.
This Core Strategy policy aims to alleviate existing transport issues, and deliver new opportunities, to unlock areas for growth and regeneration and facilitate sustainable travel choices. Whilst the Core Strategy should be read as a whole, transport proposals are strongly linked to housing and employment (including retail) proposals, particularly where there are existing network constraints. Therefore, this policy should be read in conjunction with the overall approach to the location and timing of development as set out in Policy CS2 (Growth and Regeneration Strategy). Furthermore, Policies CS7 (Retail and Town Centres) and CS8 (Doncaster Town Centre) will inform the management of parking provision and related measures. Cycling and walking forms an intrinsic part of the green infrastructure network, as set out in Policy CS17 (Green Infrastructure). When considering transport issues, consideration should also be given of impacts and opportunities in terms of air quality and green-house gas emissions, and the broad approach to these set out in Policy CS18 (Air, Water and Agricultural Land).
Detail on infrastructure requirements is set out in the Infrastructure Delivery Plan, with key projects highlighted in the Infrastructure Delivery Schedule (Chapter 8, Table 8). Within this context, the policy sets out the broad approach and key schemes for each transport mode. This detail is not exhaustive, and there are a number of other emerging schemes, for example potential Park and Ride sites for White Rose Way and Edenthorpe, Balby Smart Route and Woodfield Link Scheme and improvements to the A635 (including Dearne Quality Bus Corridor).
Proposals will need to demonstrate appropriate technical assessment of the transport impacts of the development, using the most up-to-date guidance, policy and best practice. Measures to mitigate any impacts should then be set out, including travel plans and provisions for appropriate monitoring. It is important that as part of this process, opportunities to support wider aspirations as set out above are explored. Proposals which impact on the transport network, require new projects or benefit from completed projects, will be expected to make a proportionate financial contribution - this may include retrospective contributions to infrastructure which has been provided in advance of the development, to unlock an area's development potential.
Furthermore, for each transport type proposals will need to consider not only how they could support future improvements, but also how they could help to safeguard opportunities. This may include retaining former railway lines for other uses, protecting land for future expansion of Park and Ride Schemes, or protecting land for new or re-opened rail lines and stations.
Further detail will be set out in subsequent documents including measures required to ensure Disability Discrimination Act compliance, standards for public transport, accessibility for new developments, transport assessments and travel plans, monitoring and mitigating the impact of new development, parking policy and standards (including at the airport) and strategic infrastructure (including the strategic road network).
Map 6: Key Transport Schemes