8. Implementation
This chapter contains the detail on how the Core Strategy will be measured and the key infrastructure that is required for its implementation. It also sets out how the policies provide flexibility, and what remedial action may be appropriate if targets are not met.
Policy Implementation
Core Strategy policies will be implemented primarily through the determination of planning applications, based on the Core Strategy and other Local Development Framework documents (including the Proposals Map) and having regard to other council and partner plans and strategies. However, the Core Strategy also provides a framework for making wider decisions, such as where to target investment in new infrastructure and to inform the development of softer measures, such as promoting skills, which will be key to improving the borough's economy. Some of the key strategies and partners are highlighted in Table 7, although Policy CS5 also provides more detail especially on the soft interventions required to support job creation in different sectors. Where appropriate, we will support local communities in the production of neighbourhood plans, in line with national guidance, to add detail as to how the strategic priorities set out in the Core Strategy will be implemented at a local level and take advantage of opportunities for economic growth, improvements to quality of life and environmental enhancement. The council also acknowledges the benefits of Community Infrastructure Levy and will consider its appropriateness for the securing of funding for particular projects.
It is a legal requirement for the Local Development Framework to contain policies which mitigate the impacts of climate change, and contribute to reducing the level of future climate change. Because these are cross cutting issues, the Core Strategy does not contain a single climate change policy. Instead, the issue of climate change is highlighted in Objective 10 and reflected in a number of the policies. The need to travel, can generate significant emissions. Therefore, the Growth and Regeneration Strategy (set out in Policy CS2), seeks to ensure that new development is located within existing settlements and is accessible by sustainable transport, wherever possible. However, it is accepted that the realistic opportunities to deliver our aspirations will mean that development in other areas (including the M18 corridor and airport business park) will be required. Policy CS9 (Providing Travel Choice) sets out an approach to improving access to transport options, including more sustainable forms of transport. Policies on design, renewable energy generation and air quality (policies CS14, CS18 and CS19) will contribute to addressing the level of emissions from other sources (including energy production) and promote low-emission strategies. Policies on flooding, design, the natural environment, green infrastructure and agricultural land (Policies CS4, CS14, CS16, CS17 and CS18) will ensure that development contributes to mitigating, and adapting to, the impacts of climate change.
It is important to note that while the Core Strategy policies provide a broad framework for what development will be supported in principle, they do not provide overriding backing to plans or projects that are shown to have an adverse impact on the integrity of a European Site. All developments which could either individually or in-combination adversely impact European Sites, such as Thorne and Hatfield Moors, Lower Derwent Valley or Humber Estuary, will need to comply with the requirements of the Habitat Regulations.
The effectiveness of the Local Development Framework Policies (including those in the Core Strategy) will be monitored, based on relevant indicators. The indicators used will be reviewed as required, to take account of any changes to local or national data gathering and reporting requirements. Table 7 sets out which Core Strategy Objective will be delivered by which policy, how it will be monitored and also some of the key bodies who will contribute towards its delivery.
Table 7: Monitoring and Delivery
Policy | Objectives (Chapter 2) | Indicator | Target/Direction of Travel | Other Relevant Strategies | Key Delivery Partners |
Contextual Indicator | Population size | Monitor | |||
Contextual Indicator | Size of borough | Define | N/A | N/A | |
Contextual Indicator | Prosperity gap | To reduce the current deficit between what Doncaster's economy is producing and what it could be expected to produce to match regional level. |
Economic Strategy Economic Engagement Test |
Investors and employers (including small/medium enterprises) Individuals seeking work and training |
Contextual Indicator | Economic activity | Increase percentage of working age population that are economically active across all communities | |||
Contextual Indicator | Indices of Multiple Deprivation |
Reduce relative levels of deprivation between different super-output areas within Doncaster Reduce proportion of Super Output area's ranked within the 20% most deprived in England |
All | All | |
Contextual Indicator | Proportion of population qualified to at least Level 2 or higher (NI 163) | Increase | Various |
Doncaster Chamber and other training providers Investors and employers (including small/medium enterprises), including at the Rossington Strategic Rail Freight Interchange, Doncaster Airport and Hatfield Powerpark Individuals seeking work and training |
Contextual Indicator | SL 161-01 Information on National Curriculum assessments and qualifications taken by students (e.g. GCSEs or GCE A Levels) | Increase number/percentage of pupils achieving 5 or more GCSEs at grades A-C | Various | ||
Contextual Indicator |
SL 159-02 Information on qualifications being studied by, and success rates of, sixth form pupils. |
Contextual Indicator |
SL 063-00 National land use database of previously-developed brownfield land (NLUD-PDL) |
Reduce amount of Previously Developed land that has been vacant or derelict for more than 5 years (also provides context for indicators on amount of development on previously developed land) | Contaminated Land Strategy | Local Enterprise Partnership Investors, Developers and Landowners | |
Contextual Indicator | Area covered by Flood Zone 2 or 3 | Monitor | N/A | Environment Agency | |
Contextual Indicator |
Number of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) in favourable or recovering condition | Maintain or increase | Biodiversity and Geodiversity Action Plans | Natural England | |
Policy CS1: Quality of Life | 4,5 | All | N/A | All | All |
Policy CS2: Growth and Regeneration Strategy |
2,3,6,8,9 |
SL 021-00 PSF General Development Control statistical returns (various stats) |
Percentage of applications approved as departures from the Local Development Framework should be none - noting that policies are flexible) | All | All |
Policy CS3: Countryside | 9 | Amount of development in the Green Belt / Countryside Protection Policy Area (excluding rural exception sites for affordable housing and development considered appropriate within the Green Belt/ Countryside Policy Protection Area as set out in National Policy and Policy CS3: Countryside) | None (Following adoption of subsequent DPD's and the Proposals Map) | Housing Strategy | Various |
Policy CS4: Flooding and Drainage | 9 | SL 080-02 Number of developments in flood risk areas against Environment Agency advice (number of units) | Reduce |
Catchment Flood Management Plans (Environment Agency) Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment and Management Plan (Doncaster Council) |
Internal Drainage Board Water Companies |
Number of applications made to the SAB and number of approved applications | Increase | ||||
Policy CS5: Employment Strategy (jobs numbers, sectors and broad locations) | 2,3 | Business Register/Annual Business Inquiry (ABI) Sector analysis | Increase in diversity of sectors. Monitor growth of target sectors |
Economic Strategy Economic Engagement Test Airport Masterplan Sheffield City Region Transport Strategy (Local Transport Plan) |
Highways Agency Doncaster Chamber Doncaster College Investors, Landowners and employers (including small/medium enterprises), including at the Rossington Strategic Rail Freight Interchange, Doncaster Airport and Hatfield Powerpark Individuals seeking work and training Homes and Communities Agency |
Policy CS6: Robin Hood Airport and Business Park (maximising its role as a key economic driver) |
SL 024-17 Total amount and type of completed employment floorspace gross and net (AMR - BD1) |
Maximise | |||
SL 024-18 Total amount of employment floorspace on previously developed land - by type (AMR - BD2) |
No target but seek to prioritise | ||||
Policy CS7: Retail and Town Centres | 2,3,4 | SL 024-20 Amount of floorspace for 'town centre uses' (A1, A2, B1a, and D2.) within and outside town centres (AMR - BD4) | To meet targets set out in Policies CS5 and CS8 | Various |
Chamber of Commerce Town Centre Retail Forum Market Traders Federation |
Policy CS8: Doncaster Town Centre |
2,3,4 | Percentage of vacancy Rates in Doncaster, Thorne and Mexborough Town Centre | Reduce | ||
Policy CS9: Providing Travel Choice | 2,3,5,7 | Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) on key routes | Congestion – reduce average journey time per mile during morning peak (0700–1000hrs) |
Sheffield City Region Transport Strategy (Local Transport Plan) Annual Delivery Plan for Doncaster Airport Masterplan |
Highways Agency South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive Network Rail British Waterways Freight Transport Association |
Department of Transport Statistics: Ref ACS0401 -Travel time, destination and origin indicators to Employment centres by mode of travel. |
Monitor | ||||
Mode split by Annual Cordon Counts | To increase non car modes entering Doncaster urban centre | ||||
Policy CS10: Housing Requirement, Land Supply and Phasing | 6,9 | SL 024-01 to 024-05 Annual Monitoring Reports: Core output indicators | To make progress against the planned housing provision and keep to the proposed phasing To maintain a 5 year supply of deliverable housing sites |
Housing Strategy Local Investment Plan |
Homes and Communities Agency Home Builders Federation Housing and Property Developers of all sizes Registered Social Landlords, the Housing Corporation and District Valuation Office |
Policy CS11: Housing Renewal and Regeneration | 6,9 | SL 024-06 New and converted dwellings - on previously developed land (AMR - H3) | Maximise percentage of development to be on brownfield land | ||
Density of new housing developments | Monitor - no target | ||||
Policy CS12: Housing Mix and Affordable Housing | 9 |
SL 004-11 Provision of affordable housing (HSSA Section N) SL 024-08 Gross affordable housing completions (AMR - H5) |
To make progress against the identified need | ||
Policy CS13: Gypsies and Travellers | 1,4 |
SL 024-07 Net additional pitches (Gypsy and Traveller) (AMR - H4) |
Meet identified need | Housing Strategy | Various, including Gypsy and Traveller communities |
Policy CS14: Design and Sustainable Construction | 4,5,10 |
SL 024-09 Housing Quality - Building for Life Assessments (AMR - H6) |
Increase | Various |
Doncaster Design Review Panel Home Builders Federation Housing and Property Developers of all sizes Homes and Communities Agency |
Number of new developments meeting Code for Sustainable Homes and BREEAM | Increase | ||||
Policy CS15: Valuing our Historic Environment | 5 |
Numbers at risk within the following categories of Heritage Assets: (a) Conservation Areas at Risk. (b) Listed Buildings at Risk. |
Reduce |
Conservation area appraisals and management proposals Heritage at risk strategy |
English Heritage South Yorkshire Building Preservation Society Developers, Landowners and Residents |
Policy CS16: Valuing our Natural Environment | 5 |
SL 024-11 Change in areas of biodiversity importance (AMR - E2) |
Net gain | Biodiversity and Geodiversity Action Plans |
Natural England Yorkshire Wildlife Trust Developers, Landowners and Residents |
SL 160-01 Proportion of Local Sites where positive conservation management is being achieved. |
Increase | ||||
Additional monitoring arrangements (which include landscape Character Areas, Biodiversity Opportunity Areas etc.) will be developed alongside the site allocations. | Various | Various, including CPRE | |||
Policy CS17: Providing Green Infrastructure | 5 | Amount of public open space | 2.43 hectares (6 acres) per 1000 people | Greenspace Strategy | Various |
Implementation of Public Rights Of Way Improvement Plan | Meet timescales in the Plan | Rights of Way Improvement plan | |||
Policy CS18: Air, Water and Agricultural Land | 10 | Air quality within Air Quality Management Areas | Reduce nitrogen oxide levels within Air Quality Management Areas |
Transport Strategy (Local Transport Plan) Air Quality Action Plan |
Transport bodies Investors, Developers and Landowners |
Number of developments on Best and most Versatile Agricultural Land | Avoid | Various, including Natural England | |||
Development that results in Groundwater abstraction in Source Protection Zones | Decrease | Humber River Basin Management plan | Environment Agency Investors, Developers and Landowners | ||
Policy CS19: Energy | 2,3,10 |
SL 024-12 Renewable energy generation (AMR–E3) |
To meet target set out in Policy CS19 | Various | Various |
Policy CS20: Minerals | 2,3,10 |
SL 024-13 Production of primary land won aggregates by mineral planning authority (AMR - M1) SL 024-14 Production of secondary and recycled aggregates by mineral planning authority (AMR - M2) |
Monitor annual report | Mineral operators |
Table 8: Infrastructure Delivery Schedule
Major infrastructure scheme, brief overview and strategic development dependent on the scheme |
Lead delivery/ management agency |
Delivery and phasing of development | Costs, funding sources/gaps and key issues | Reason for Delivery |
A6182 White Rose Way Improvement Scheme - White Rose Way (WRW) is the responsibility of Doncaster Council in its capacity as the local highway authority. It connects Doncaster to the Strategic Road Network at Junction 3 of the M18. It varies along its length from single to dual carriageway and carries approximately 30,000 vehicles each day. The scheme will upgrade the whole of the road into a two-lane dual carriageway with new signal controlled junctions together with new pedestrian and cycling facilities. A second highway bridge will be constructed over the existing East Coast Main Line (ECML) to accommodate the new southbound carriageway and replace the existing level crossing. |
Doncaster Council |
Planning permission was granted in April 2008 and a Compulsory Purchase Order and a Side Roads Order were confirmed by the Secretary of State in June 2009. Advanced site clearance and ecological mitigation works were undertaken in 2010. Construction of the ECML bridge is a critical activity and rail possessions have been negotiated and agreed with Network Rail. In order to meet the programme for the ECML possession the scheme is currently expected to be delivered in two phases. Phase 1 (new bridge and in-bound dual carriageway) is expected to be completed by November 2012. Phase 2 (completion of dual carriageway and junction improvements) is expected to be completed by mid 2013. |
The total remaining cost is £27m and is expected to be funded by Doncaster Council, South Yorkshire Local Transport Plan (SYLTP), European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Department for Transport (DfT) Major Scheme funding. There are currently no gaps in the funding plan. The Doncaster Council and SYLTP contributions are secured, and ERDF funding of £4.678m was approved for Phase 1 in May 2011. The funding for Phase 2 is through DfT, further ERDF and SYLTP |
WRW does not have sufficient capacity to accommodate existing traffic flows and at peak times queues regularly extend onto the M18. There is a lack of access from the motorway network to the town centre and destinations to the north and south of the borough. This gateway also creates a poor introduction to the town and suffers from poor design, inadequate landscaping and pedestrian/cycle access. The scheme will relieve congestion on the strategic highway network as well as secure the future delivery of major regeneration and development proposals in areas around the town centre, lakeside, airport and FARRRS |
Finningley and Rossington Regeneration Route Scheme - FARRRS is a proposed new highway that will improve the connections between regionally important employment sites Robin Hood Airport Doncaster Sheffield and the proposed Strategic Rail Freight Interchange at Rossington and junction3 of the M18 motorway and the local highway network. | Doncaster Council with private sector partners |
Construction is expected to start in early 2012 subject to securing the necessary funding and obtaining the necessary planning approval, land and traffic orders. A new bridge over the ECML is required and planning with Network Rail has commenced. Completion could potentially be by 2014. The planning application for FARRRS will therefore need to include an assessment of the potential impacts on motorway traffic flows and mitigation measures, if necessary, will be developed in consultation with the Highways Agency. Delivery of FARRRS is subject to the completion of Phase 1 of the White Rose Way Improvement Scheme. |
The scheme was previously prioritised within the Regional Funding Allocation (RFA) and a business case was submitted to the DfT in 2005. However, following the October 2010 Spending Review, FARRRS is not currently included in the DfT's spending programme. Consequently, the scheme's outputs have been reviewed and, with private sector involvement, a lower cost option has been developed. This will still deliver a significant proportion of the expected social and economic benefits but at a lower cost than the original 2005 scheme. The proposed route to the north of Rossington will run from junction 3 of the M18 to Hurst Lane/A638. However, the scheme will initially terminate at the junction with the A638 at Parrotts Corner until further investment can be justified and secured. It may be possible for the full link through to Hurst Lane to be completed within the plan period if funding becomes available. This may include developer funding, however any developments brought forward to enable this would need to be in accordance with Policy CS2: Growth and Regeneration Strategy. The scheme has secured an 18 million grant from the government's Regional Growth Fund. Doncaster Council and the private sector will contribute the remaining funding required to design and construct the scheme. Doncaster Council will recover through a mechanism retrospective and reasonable financial contributions from any new development that derives a significant benefit from FARRRS, but did not make an initial financial contribution to its delivery. This mechanism will include a provision enabling Doncaster Council to make proportionate payments from the collection of retrospective contributions to the initial investors. Doncaster Council will ensure the level of service on FARRRS will be protected and if necessary improved by requiring reasonable financial contributions from any new development that will impact on its operation which will then be used to pay for the improvement of FARRRS and related transport improvements in its vicinity. |
FARRRS is integral to the success of the Gateway to the Sheffield City Region project. The scheme will link the airport to the motorway network to the benefit of the wider city region. It will also open up development opportunities in the wider area (e.g. new jobs and investment) to support local economic growth and the regeneration of Rossington. It will also ease congestion and reduce journey times on the road network. |
Strategic Road Network Route Management - Doncaster is linked to the Strategic Road Network (SRN) by the M18, A1(M) and M180. The SRN is operated, managed and improved by the Highways Agency on behalf of the Secretary of State for Transport. | Highways Agency | The Highways Agency will engage with promoters of other schemes that may impact on the SRN to assess any potential impacts and to help to develop appropriate mitigation measures. |
Scheme promoters will be expected to fund the measures required to mitigate the impacts of their individual schemes. Where cumulative impacts occur that require major interventions then promoters may be expected to contribute proportionally to the cost of those interventions. |
Existing conditions on the SRN in Doncaster are such that the Highways Agency is not planning any major improvement works within its current spending programme |
M18 Junction 5 – New link road to Hatfield-Stainforth and junction improvements to facilitate growth and regeneration of the area (DN7 Project). | Developer Consortium | Planning permission for phase two of the Hatfield Power Park was approved January 2009. Phase two permission requires that the link road and junction improvements are complete before any development can be occupied. | Scheme to be fully funded by developer consortium. A mechanism will be put in place to ensure that proportionate costs are paid by developers along the M18 Corridor towards the M18 improvements. | The provision of a link road from Hatfield/ Stainforth to junction 5 of the M18 will improve access to the strategic highway network, divert traffic from existing residential areas and stimulate the regeneration of the wider area. |
Woodfield Link–Missing highway link between Tesco Supermarket at Woodfield and B&Q Warehouse at Balby Carr. | Homes and Communities Agency | White Rose Way is required to implement the Woodfield Link. Scheme is being progressed through the Homes and Communities Agency who are the delivery agency for the Carr Lodge development site. A planning application was approved in February 2011. | As above | A new road link is required to unlock development at Woodfield Plantation (Carr Lodge) and improve public transport access between the town centre and M18. |
Junction Improvements for Doncaster Waterfront–Holmes Market | Doncaster Council | Construction of scheme currently programmed for completion September 2013 (subject to necessary funding being secured). | A preferred scheme is being taken forward which incorporates the necessary traffic management arrangements to give the required capacity for the delivery of a 15ha development at Waterfront. Funding is currently being sought from various funding sources including the European Regional Development Fund. | Junction improvements are needed to facilitate the redevelopment of a 15ha brownfield site at Doncaster Waterfront |
Park and Ride, White Rose and Edenthorpe N.B. The planning permission for the new railway station at the airport included a proposed park and ride |
South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive in conjunction with Doncaster Council |
Funding will be sought from relevant public sector funding and private funding opportunities will be sought where appropriate. | Private sector contributions to support the schemes will be pursued where appropriate to the development location and impact. In addition, and where appropriate, public sector funding will be sought to support the delivery of the schemes. | These schemes alongside other measures (e.g. bus priority lanes and junction improvements) will help relieve congestion and encourage public transport use along key strategic routes serving housing, employment and leisure developments at the Lakeside, Doncaster town centre and airport. |
Rail Station at Robin Hood Airport Doncaster Sheffield | Vancouver Airport Services and Peel Group |
Delivery dates for the rail station will depend on passenger growth. It is considered that a minimum of 5 million passengers per annum are required to deliver commercial viability of an airport rail service. The implementation of the rail station is noted as a commitment through the airport Section 106 Agreement, travel plan and Airport Surface Access Strategy. The rail station received planning permission in 2009 and is currently undergoing Guide to Railway Investment Projects Assessment. |
It is likely that, for the level of growth expected to be needed to make a rail service viable, FARRRS would also be required. There is no official guidance to say at what point a rail service is commercially viable. | There is currently no direct rail access to the airport. The provision of a new rail station will support the ongoing development of the airport and business park (when viable densities are reached) and improve public transport access and interchange to other services. |
North Doncaster Chord, Shaftholme Junction – The construction of a new railway flyover over the East Coast Main Line from the Skellow Line to the Askern Line in the vicinity of Joan Croft Level Crossing in Shaftholme. In addition, the scheme includes closure of Joan Croft level crossing and provision of a new road bridge over the East Coast Main Line. | Network Rail | Submission of applications to the Infrastructure Planning Commission was in June 2011. Subject to the granting of necessary permissions then construction works are due to commence on site in June 2012, and completed March 2014. | A £56m scheme funded by Network Rail as part of an Office of Rail Regulation determination for funding Control Period 4, which runs from 2009/10 to 2013/14. |
At present, slow moving freight traffic from Immingham is part routed along a 14-mile stretch of the ECML, which constrains timetabling and can result in delays to passenger services. Once complete this scheme will solve the network bottleneck between Joan Croft Junction and Temple Hirst Junction and allow operators to increase the speed and frequency of both passenger and freight trains. |
900 MW Natural Gas and Clean Coal (IGCC) Power Station at Hatfield Power Park. |
Private Sector | Section 36 Consent for a 900MW power station was granted by DECC in 2009, including Planning Conditions (37 and 38) requiring the use of the link road for specified phases of the development. | The power station development will be funded by a mix of private sector finance in combination with grant aid, including EU funding. Proportionate contributions to the M18 Link Road will be sought to facilitate the delivery of the Link Road and reduce the impact of power station related traffic. | This is an important development as part of the wider energy infrastructure and balanced approach to climate change. At a more local level it is an important part of the DN7 project and regeneration of Hatfield/ Stainforth. |
400KV Dual Circuit electricity pylons from Hatfield Power Park to Thorpe Marsh Electricity Sub Station. | Private Sector/National Grid. | A Section 37 Application has been made to DECC for this development. Doncaster Council has raised 'no objections' subject to the imposition of Planning Conditions. | The 400KV lines/pylons will be funded and delivered by the private sector in association with National Grid. | |
Electricity Substation Lakeside – Capacity improvements to increase electricity supply through new substation and new connection to the National Grid. | Phase 1– Appropriate utility company identified through competitive tender Phase 2–Regional Electric Company – Northern Power Grid |
Phase 1–new primary substation connected to existing electrical network. Phase 2–new connection to the National Grid The first phase substation will deliver a limited supply from existing network to accommodate a limited amount of additional development to south of the urban centre. The second phase new National Grid supply would be used to reinforce phase 1 substation and Doncaster's electrical network generally. The timing is being driven by anticipated demand for electricity, which is linked to the delivery of White Rose Way, and the ability to secure new planning permissions. |
Phase 1 works are expected to cost in the region of £5m. The size of the funding gap will depend on the timing and commitment that landowners are willing to make on the development of their land and use of electricity. It was originally proposed to fund this gap from land disposals, but current market conditions mean that this will not be the case. Phase 2 works in excess of £10m - proposed to be funded by Northern Power Grid as the Regional Electric Company. The cable connection to the National Grid supply (in Rossington) could prove problematic. The most viable solution would be to deliver cables via FARRRS and White Rose Way. |
The new substation will secure capacity improvements to increase the electricity supply and facilitate future development and growth across the borough. Without it, the capacity of Doncaster's electricity network could be overloaded. Northern Power Grid have advised that this could be part way into the plan period and are programming the necessary works accordingly. However it is noted that there may be capacity at other substations within the borough for example at Rossington Colliery, the airport and DN7. |
Thorne Waste Water Treatment Works | Yorkshire Water | Confirmation of Yorkshire Water's bid to OFWAT for its 2010-2015 works programme was late 2009. This scheme is not yet included in the investment programme (as there has not been enough certainty for growth in these areas), but may still be incorporated, however Yorkshire Water caveat that these works may have to be 2015-2020. | Any greenfield extensions to settlements such as Thorne and Hatfield/Stainforth could be constrained until improvements have been made to the Thorne waste water treatment works. Any developer contributions could bring the required upgrades forward into the plan period. | The plant has no spare capacity and needs upgrading to accommodate further growth and regeneration in the Hatfield and Stainforth area. |
Flood Defences and Surface Water Management – borough wide | Previous flood events in Doncaster, including 2007, have been caused by numerous localised issues (particularly in relation to surface water flooding) rather than an issue with a single piece of strategic infrastructure. The management of Doncaster's flood risk is therefore dependent on the key stakeholders (Doncaster Council, Environment Agency, water companies, Coal Authority and independent drainage boards) to implement a package of small-scale improvements which, cumulatively, will have a significant impact on managing flood risk from all sources, including river and surface water. Doncaster Council has prepared a Strategic Flood Risk Assessment and a Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment which identify areas vulnerable to river and surface water flooding and therefore where investment may be required to help manage flooding from such sources. There are also opportunities for linking flood risk management with Green Infrastructure enhancements. | |||
Waste Management – New strategic waste management sites are planned at Sandall Stones Road (Kirk Sandall) and Hatfield Power Park (Stainforth/Hatfield). A site has also been identified to build a new waste treatment and processing plant at Manvers, Bolton Road in Rotherham (close to Doncaster's boundary). | Doncaster, Barnsley and Rotherham Councils |
The Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham Joint Waste Plan is being prepared by the 3 councils. The site at Kirk Sandall is dependent on mitigation measures to protect the Sherwood Sandstone aquifer and control noise, dust and emissions. The site at Hatfield Power Park is dependent on the construction of the link road to Junction 5 of the M18, new flood defences, appropriate lorry routing to avoid sensitive areas and mitigation measures to protect the Sherwood Sandstone aquifer and avoid and reduce air pollution. The site at Manvers is centrally located close to all three boroughs and will deal with left over municipal waste from the three boroughs as part of the long-term joint private finance initiative (PFI). Proposals are dependant on the construction of a new bridge to secure access to the site and appropriate lorry routes to avoid sensitive areas and air quality and flood control measures. The waste facility is due to become operational in 2015. |
Private sector investment, European funding and developer contributions towards the new link road. The three councils have secured central government funding of £77m towards the PFI. |
New waste facilities are needed to plug the capacity shortfall and address statutory recycling, recovery and landfill diversion targets. Waste facilities on these sites will make use of underused brownfield land within existing employment areas and promote co-location and job creation opportunities close to deprived areas and public transport corridors. |
Civic and Cultural Quarter – Redevelopment of a 10ha site in Doncaster town centre | Doncaster Council |
Outline and reserved matters planning permissions have been approved. The scheme is split into 4 phases. Phases 2-4 are subject to the signing of an appropriate development agreement but estimated to be delivered within 6-8 years. Phase 1 includes new civic offices and council chamber, a state-of-the-art performance venue, a public square, a revamped multi-storey car park, residential uses and a possible 4 star hotel - estimated completion in 2013. Later phases include various new leisure uses, including a new library and resource centre, and further office and residential schemes. |
Project cost is circa £300m, of which Doncaster Council is contributing around £85m (largest proportion of this amount being the land value). Private sector investment is circa £200m, and the balance is European Union, Arts Council England, and Yorkshire Forward funding. |
This scheme will provide an opportunity to transform the Waterdale area into a vibrant, mixed use quarter with a clear sense of place, which will help attract new businesses and trade to the town centre. The town centre masterplan recognises the need to diversify and revitalise the office market and enhance the standard and quality of Doncaster's civic and cultural facilities. |
Green Infrastructure – borough wide. |
Protecting and enhancing green infrastructure will require not only investment in key sites (such as the racecourse, Sandall Beat Wood, the Don Gorge, Cusworth Park, Brodsworth Hall, Potteric Carr and Thorne and Hatfield Moors) but also the improvement of smaller scale local assets, and linkages within the networks. One of the key challenges is to address the potential impact of built development on Doncaster's ecological network (one component of green infrastructure). to avoid both direct habitat loss, and also wider fragmentation and isolation of key sites for wildlife. In particular it is essential that the linkages for wildlife between Potteric Carr and the wider countryside (to the south and east of the borough) are maintained and enhanced through FARRRS, and schemes around Rossington and the airport. A South Yorkshire Green Infrastructure Strategy has been developed which will inform work on the wider Green Infrastructure network in the long term, and will compliment other strategies - such as the Doncaster Biodiversity Action Plan. |
Infrastructure Delivery Schedule
National policy highlights the need for infrastructure delivery planning, particularly to support housing growth, and states that the Core Strategy is the means for orchestrating the necessary social, physical and green infrastructure required to ensure that sustainable communities are created. This is set out in Table 8. The infrastructure schedule is a summary of what infrastructure is required for key major developments to proceed; it also identifies any major funding gaps, potential 'showstoppers' or phasing issues. The schedule represents the council's current understanding on infrastructure issues but, due to the nature of the topic, information within this table is subject to change.
It will be important to consider the capacity and condition of the borough's infrastructure, to ensure that best use is made of existing capacity and that significant growth and change is aligned to the latest position in terms of the delivery of any relevant new infrastructure. This will include considering funding options, and any developer contributions (which may include retrospective contributions to enabling infrastructure).
Policy Flexibility
The Core Strategy policies are intended to strike the right balance between clearly setting out how Doncaster should move forward, our aspirations and priorities, whilst also providing flexibility to deal with unforeseen events, given the length of time being planned for (2011-2028). This means setting out the broad thrust of policy in a locally relevant way, often including targets and/or thresholds, while providing a basis for finer detail to be defined through subsequent documents (including the Proposals Map and Supplementary Planning Documents) and/or negotiation on individual planning applications. Detail is set out below on some of the ways in which the policies provide flexibility. In some cases, where appropriate, policy allows for viability assessment for specific sites. For example, in relation to affordable housing, if there were appropriate evidence of challenging site constraints the policy allows for sites to provide a lower proportion where robust viability assessment supports this. The option of commuted sums is not ruled out. However, as set out in the introduction, the plan should be read as a whole and the delivery of social and environmental objectives is just as important as the delivery of economic. Therefore, when exploring opportunities for flexibility it is important to still consider how any proposal can make a positive contribution against each relevant policy.
The overall approach to improving quality of life (Policy CS1) allows for proposals to be assessed against the plan objectives, and some key broad principles, as well as the detailed policies within the plan. This means that where a proposal is not specifically addressed by the detailed policies within the plan, the objectives and broad principles provide a framework for its assessment.
The Growth and Regeneration Strategy (Policy CS2) gives the broad thrust of the strategy and clearly identifies priorities for growth, but without being overly prescriptive. The policy provides for a range of housing growth at each level of the settlement hierarchy. In broad terms these ranges take account of the Settlement Study, which sets out which settlement would, and would not, benefit from growth and also broad environmental issues, notably flooding and the countryside. However, it also allows flexibility for the precise allocation of houses to each level of the settlement hierarchy, and also to each settlement within each level of the hierarchy (e.g. not every Principal Town will have the same number of houses). This allows the process of developing the Proposals Map to take account of the up-to-date information in relation to infrastructure provision, and more detailed consideration of environmental issues within each settlement.
Protection of the countryside and dealing with flood risk are two key environmental issues for Doncaster. The approach to the countryside (Policy CS3) sets out a robust approach to its protection, setting out what development would be appropriate, and the circumstances in which other forms of development may be supported. The approach to flooding (Policy CS4) outlines the package of measures that are required to effectively deal with existing flood risk, minimise future flood risk, whilst not allowing flooding to prevent borough wide economic prosperity, regeneration and improvements to quality of life. Within this we will endeavour to provide leadership in the provision of effective multi-agency emergency planning including the maintenance and implementation of the multi agency flood action plan; and; empower individuals and communities to help protect their own families, homes and businesses through the provision of information and advice, and through promoting schemes such as Flood Wardens.
The approach to the provision of employment land (Policy CS5) is based around identifying how many potential jobs could be created in each sector and what the broad land supply requirements will be. The exact locations of sites will be determined on the Proposals Map to take account of the up-to-date information in relation to infrastructure provision, and more detailed consideration of environmental issues within each area. The circumstances in which employment land would be released for other uses, is also set out within the policy. The policies relating to the airport, retail and town centres and transport (Policies CS6-9) contain broad principles and key locations to provide clarity and certainty of the strategic approach, whilst allowing for further detail to be provided in subsequent documents (either developed alongside the Proposals Map and/or as a Supplementary Planning Document) and individual proposals/planning applications, having regard to changing circumstances including the level of success in infrastructure provision.
The approach to housing land supply and phasing, set out in Policy CS10, indicates that sufficient land will be allocated to meet the housing requirement for at least a 15-year time period. This means that any windfall sites will form additional supply, providing added flexibility. Furthermore, the evidence in Doncaster's Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment shows a plentiful supply of developable housing land in Doncaster. There will therefore be considerable scope to meet housing requirements even if some sites fail to be delivered.
The approach to issues such as housing renewal, mix and affordable housing (Policies CS11 and CS12) link to the key pieces of evidence base, including needs assessments, and identify broad principles without being overly prescriptive. This will allow any updates to these studies, during the life of the plan, to inform its implementation – either through subsequent documents (either developed alongside the Proposals Map and/or as a Supplementary Planning Document) or the determination of individual planning applications. Current renewal priorities and likely future ones are identified but the policies do not restrict the identification of new priorities in response to changing needs and opportunities (e.g. new Government initiatives).
The approach to brownfield land (Policy CS11) is not to set a brownfield target but rather set out a strategy for maximising brownfield development through a number of identified measures. New brownfield opportunities (i.e. not currently identified) can be brought forward as allocations on the Proposals Map, or as windfall sites. Development of a local target in subsequent documents (either developed alongside the Proposals Map and/or as a Supplementary Planning Document) will be informed by the evidence base and site selection process.
The approach to Gypsy and Traveller sites (Policy CS13) provides the broad principles which will be applied in the allocation of sites and/or the determination of planning applications. It allows for extensions to existing sites within the Countryside Protection Policy Area where there is no established need, if this is to accommodate family members. It also allows for potentially authorising currently unauthorised sites where these are well run. These aspects of the approach therefore provide flexibility.
The approach to design and sustainable construction (Policy CS14) is based on BREEAM, Building for Life and Code for Sustainable Homes, which use flexible credit systems to enable developers to meet the required standard whilst responding to site-specific opportunities and constraints. Percentage renewable requirements are based upon energy demand, and allow for the use of measures to reduce energy demand where on-site generation is not practicable or viable.
The approach to protecting and enhancing the environment, providing green infrastructure and efficient use of air, water and agricultural land (Policies CS15 - 18) set out broad principles and key locations to provide clarity and certainty of the strategic approach, whilst allowing for further detail to be considered in subsequent documents (either developed alongside the Proposals Map and/or as a Supplementary Planning Document), and individual proposals/planning applications, having regard to changing circumstances (including the latest technical guidance from statutory agencies).
The approach to Renewable Energy (Policy CS19) sets out how it is envisaged the target for energy generation can be met, and which technologies it is envisaged may be the most appropriate to do this. It does not, however, preclude other forms of Renewable Energy being brought forward, and provides clear criteria for all proposals to be assessed against.
The approach to minerals (Policy CS20) acknowledges that minerals can only be worked where they are found, and so flexibility is key to ensure that the actual detailed geology, and quality of minerals resources, of sites and areas can be taken into account within a wider framework that also gives a degree of certainty. It therefore sets out a flexible approach to meeting as much of the sub-regional apportionment for aggregates as is practicable, and appropriate given environmental and social constraints, and also sets out a broad framework for assessing proposals for industrial and energy minerals.
Remedial Action
The Development Management process provides many opportunities for remedial action. This includes internal liaison within the council, particularly to ensure that best use is made of the local knowledge of the Neighbourhood Management teams. Supplementary Planning Documents could also be developed for a range of subjects, if more local detail is required to implement policies.
The delivery of several of the policies will not be achieved just through the determination of planning applications. In many cases 'soft' interventions are required, such as facilitating a Flood Warden group (Policy CS4), developing skills and marketing the borough to support the creation of, and access to, jobs (Policy CS5) or working with landowners and farmers to encourage changes to land management (Policy CS16). The policies in relation to the environment and green infrastructure (15-17) will also be partially implemented through other aspects of planning legislation, in particular the use of Conservation Area Appraisals and Management Proposals, and Tree Preservation Orders. The key interventions beyond the determination of planning applications are included within the 'other relevant strategies' listed in Table 7, and so reviewing either the content or implementation of these may also be a potential way of ensuring the Core Strategy Vision and Objectives are delivered.
For some policy areas if delivery falls below required standards a possible action would be to involve the council as a landowner - for example consider increasing the proportion of affordable homes on council owned land, consider Gypsy and Traveller accommodation on council owned land or remove constraints to council-owned brownfield sites coming forward.
In relation to land supply, the annual Residential and Employment Land Availability Surveys will inform the monitoring of the Local Development Framework, and give a snap-shot of the effectiveness of the policy. Where these show problems in terms of housing supply, site allocations could be moved up the phasing sequence if necessary to respond to shortfalls in allocations. In contrast, the employment policy is not based on a phased approach, and furthermore, the land targets include a churn factor. This means a slightly higher proportion of land is allocated than required, to allow for companies moving between sites as they grow or shrink, and the time lag involved in vacated sites becoming redeveloped. Regular Employment Land Reviews will assess how quickly sites are being developed and the level of demand. This provides an opportunity to understand the market conditions, changes to the wider regional/national economy and what softer measures may be appropriate to attract further investment.